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Valerie June: Organic Moonshine Roots Music

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valerie-juneWell you guys, remember a while back I mentioned in a post about one of my artists that I listen too (Valerie June). Well I am so stoked because over the past year she has been getting more recognition as  the incredible artists that she is.  Valerie June is someone I have been following now for years now, and even on her new album their are still some  songs on there that  were written by her from years ago.  I’m loving the fact that my girl is finally now getting some real national name recognition.

Valerie June is from Memphis, Tennessee  and grew up in the Appalachian mountains listening to a great variety of music, she always had a passion for music and decided to really pursue it once she got older, she even taught herself to play more than one string instrument. To help with her music career.  Valerie decided to call her music Organic Moonshine Roots Music because she loves to give fun and meaningful names to her music.  It is a  blend of country, Soul, Folksy, rock music.

I love Valerie’s music, because that is exactly the type of music that I’m  into.

In fact some of my favorite songs from her are:

Pushing against a stone

Workin(working) Woman’s Blue’s

Raindance  and Somebody to love!

Lately, Valerie has been mentioned everywhere from David Letterman, to the  CBS morning show,  and beyond. In fact I am so exited because she will be coming to my hometown in February of next year and I can’t wait to meet her! I use the Bands in town app, to let me know when certain groups are in town so that I can arrange for a date night with the hubby!

I love Valerie Junes Twined and Twisted music! She is for sure some one you ought-a  know!


What sort of music do you like or listen too!  I would love to know. 😉




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