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Make My Organic Green Smoothie Recipe – Awesome For Natural Energy

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As part of the second follow-up on how to make some cool green salads, I wanted to share with you my favorite organic green smoothie that I make at least two to three times a week. I don’t do this every day but at least three times a week.  A couple of years ago after the birth of my last son and already being anemic my iron had become very low even with the help of supplements. And I need something that was going to help me get my iron back up. I am constantly busy with four small boys and having iron helps you to have energy. Iron is needed for your blood to have proper circulation and if it does not have that your blood is not getting enough oxygen to your blood supply which leads to feeling tired or lack of energy.

Even though you can take supplements they are better taken in their raw form or broken down with food added to them to aid with digestion. When you eat real food your body recognizes what it is and is able to transfer that into energy right away. And knowing that iron is broken down by orange juice because of the acid, I decided to Use Spinach and Orange juice together and my Amazing Grass green superfoods supplementation.

I use spinach because spinach is full of iron, orange juice helps to break down the iron a lot quicker in its raw form. Then I added my amazing grass green superfood that aids in giving me more energy, detoxifies my body naturally, regulates my metabolism and controls my appetite, and balances my body alkalinity levels or our body’s natural PH.

Cool Stuff huh……..

I always feel so great I after I make this green smoothie.

The amazing green grass ingredients include:

  • organic wheatgrass
  • organic barley grass, organic alfalfa
  • organic spirulina
  • organic spinach
  • organic Chlorella
  • organic broccoli

Antioxidant Blend includes:

  • Organic Acai
  • Organic Maca ( helps to stabilize mood and menstrual cycles)
  • organic carrot, organic beet
  • Natural Raspberry, rose hips,
  • Green Tea, and Acerola Cherry

Fiber Blend:

  • Organic Flax Seed Powder
  • Apple Pectin Powder

Energizing Herb Blend:

  • Peppermint,

Digestive Enzymes and Active Probiotics ( Probiotics help to support the immune system and digestion issues)

  • Acidophilus, Alpha, and Beta Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Lactase


The Recipe includes about

1 cup spinach

2 cups Organic orange juice

3-4 amazing green grass supplements

add all of it in the blender and smoothie it and eat right afterward!

I hope you enjoy it.

P.S. If you would like to get the Amazing Grass you can Find it Here!

Also if you have kids and want your kids to eat more veggies then green smoothies are the way to go my Friend Tiffany has an awesome course that teaches you how to make more of them for your children.

Let me know how it works out for you.

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1 Comment

  1. chlorella
    June 27, 2011 / 9:37 am

    Often issues that may not be very major, such as
    bowel irregularity and body odor, can benefit from the usage of this supplement.
    As soon as you begin to take chlorella, you will see a vast improvement in your
    overall health and will feel better by doing this. Actually, many acknowledge
    chlorella to be the ideal food.

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