Home | Oh, How I Love My Cozi Family Calender!

Oh, How I Love My Cozi Family Calender!

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Well school is back in session and we have officially started back homeschooling about 2 weeks ago. I am in still in the planning process when it comes laying out the lessons plans week by week, but that is something I will do on a weekly basis. Just to make sure that I will have all the supplies I need for art projects and science experiments.

I can already see, however that this year is going to be even busier than last year.

I had a little bit of hard time last year, when it came to remembering dates of field trips and some really basic appointments. I’m not ashamed to admit that I am a little bit of scatter brain. You know the person who can have a total mess somewhere in their home and buts knows exactly where everything is at.

Yeah, that’s me.

This year I am working on bettering myself by becoming a more organized individual. Which I  hope will help me to have some sort of normalcy. Now that my kids are homeschooled. I have to make sure I plan out our meals, pre-schedule appointment, etc., so that I will not be able to overlap certain activities.

I mean seriously last year I was really pulling my hair out when it came to certain things. When you have four boys at home all doing lots of things, it can get really crazy to say the least.

I realized I needed a planner.

My kids are busier than ever, and between a full schedule during the school day and all the extracurricular activities after school, when does a kid have time to relax? It’s important that children have interests outside of school and family.

Having a busy life is great, but the potential for over-scheduling has been a real concern for me. If your like me an you lead a busy life with family, schooling and household chores. Keeping your child busy may seem like the best thing to do, but there can be too much of a good thing. You need down time, and so do your children.

I decided to start using an Online Family Planner called COZI!

Cozi has really helped me to make sure, I am scheduling the right things at the right time, without overbooking. It sends me alerts to make sure I will not forget an appointment. Cozi Syncs across all my devices, my Ipad, my iPhone, my computer and much more. I am able to send alerts to my husband, on food to pick up. It also allows him the see our schedule and schedule something from his own phone. Based on our schedule something for our family. Without even asking me!

Isn’t that great!

Cozi is great and they even have the free plan that you could use. I ended up getting the gold plan and paid for the whole year through Amazon with my Prime account!

Cozi came just at the right time, and is the best online family organizer that I have used in long time. I used to love to write it all down, I still do. However, with Cozi it has really been easy to input information based on each member of the family. Check out the video for all it has to offer.

Even though being in lots of activities is fun, it’s also stressful. Schoolwork, Spiritual things, dinnertime, and fun with the family are important, as well. If everyone is running around in different directions, there won’t be any downtime.

I know I need Downtime!

Using Cozi, has given me the ability to make sure that I  schedule activities, along with being able schedule down time and minutes of just plain fun for the kids. I love my slow time and I’m sure you do too.

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