Home | The How and Wow Of Habits! Why I’m Jumping On Board!

The How and Wow Of Habits! Why I’m Jumping On Board!

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I had the privilege  recently to read and go through an awesome book  on the topic of habits. This particular book  has really struck a cord in me and got me wanting to know more about habits and how they affect my life. It has pushed me to give myself a series of intimate questions by examining things that I want to accomplish with my self and with my blog.


I have come to realize that habits are really the focal point of many things that happen in our life’s. For every action there was an habit that put it into Fruition. Habits affect our lives on a personal and spiritual level  in all facet of our lives. The habits you have can affect your life, your health and even  those around you.


For example the habit of smoking cigarettes everyday at two, could eventually lead to a serious health problem. As opposed to working out everyday at two which could lead to a longer life and increased stamina.


I love how Carrie lovingly lets  me see why habits are a good motivator to work on. This section of her book really had me chuckling and thinking about myself.


That’s almost a scary thought, isn’t it? It underscores why it’s so important to give attention to habits. When I die, do I want to be known as a person who: made the people around me crazy with my procrastination, engaged in gossip and negative talk, died early because of overeating and under-moving, gave my kids no inheritance, and left behind a cluttered, messy house for my grandkids to clean up?

Not me.




I know for a certainty that I do not want to be that person!


In her book the “How And Wow Of  Habits”!  She mentions a new term called keystone habits that basically means that when you start to practice one beneficial habit. You will usually start to practice another favorable habit. Which is sort of like a snowball effect of good habits

Which is so pretty cool right!


Because I know once  I set my goals and start implementing better habits to accomplish my goals. I will be in effect practicing a better habit with the intention of making better habits and sticking to it.

You get that.

So to start it off I will in be posting for the next four weeks  an update to my goal planning and letting you be my accountability partner.  Right!

Your gonna stick by me!

Just kidding.



My main goals that I want to  accomplish are:


  • Get up earlier in the morning. I have always been a person that likes to sleep just to sleep. Basically I just like to sleep.  But getting up earlier will help me so that I am not rushing around with a chicken with my head cut off. 
  • I want to make sure I don’t work on internet related stuff before bed, only use that before bed time to spend time with hubby and catch up on my reading. 
  • Another habit I want to implement is to make sure I get at least three posts up each week. 
  • As far as fitness goes I want to work out at least five days a week. The summer is just ahead of us. I really need to get to the beach looking fly as I can be . (Right)!


Well what are some habits that you would like to implement in your daily routine that would bring help you reap great rewards in your life!


P.S.  To get Carries Book you can visit here!   The How and Wow OF Habits!














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  1. March 30, 2014 / 3:27 pm

    Thanks so much for your kind words Elizabeth! I’m glad the book was helpful to you.

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