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Getting In Shape Goals

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As you may or not know yet,  I had planned on this month getting into high swing with the body boot camp challenge.  I even made a video on it on all that I planned to do. Well life happened and I ended up having a aunt that passed away a family friend and two cousins with two weeks of each other. So that Sort of slowed things down a bit, and I had to get my thought processes together.

Well I did that,  and now I am ready to head back into this full swing with a fresh start and a new outlook on getting my legs and things a lot toner. Being a mom of four boys in which I was pregnant for three years straight with the last ones, things have changes up a little bit on my body and need some re-adjusting lol……

Anyhow I know a lot about fitness and health and use to be a personal trainer before I had any kids  and was certified in personal training.  I worked in a gym for a short while and still workout the most that I can day to day…..when I can.  I eat a lot of healthy food and tend to shop at whole foods  and very picky about the items that I get from publix.

With that being said with the posts to come I plan on  sharing healthy recipes and workout programs here as I develop then and find them.  Who’s says that just because if we have kids we can not stay in shape.

I would love to here your comments below about how you feel when it comes to staying healthy and getting in shape!!!

P.S. If you did not have a chance to see the video I made about getting in shape and working out you can do so here.


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