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In Honor Of Black History Month – Looking Back

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Black history month is a time to be remembered and shared, it brings about great joy and even some new found feelings of pain for had happened during that time period. However, it also brings an excellent time to learn about new found facts and interesting details about the black history and your own families at that.

I can remember being a little girl and you know what still do this day my grandmother is almost 97 years old. And she still relates stories about her childhood her mom’s life and how her grandmother was a slave. To be able to hear those stories is something that I have always and will forever keep with me. Since that is what the people did back then to preserve history, they told stories since they were not allowed to record any data about their life such as birth and things.

To be able to hear those stories she told had me laughing, some had me asking why and others even sometimes made me want to cry.  But my grandmother has had a long life and she has seen her mom’s reactions to things, she grew up in the Jim crow south and lived most of her life through segregation.


So that is why when I came across this video I wanted to share it here, since it is abouta  special book that was found. In fact is the very first validated book dating back to the civil war of negro spirituals, or slave songs at that time.

Many slaves at that time would sing songs to give them some sort of escape from what was happening at the time. They would also sing songs to be used as code perhaps if they were trying to escape, and many songs were used as a way to preserve history as my grandmother would tell stories about her family history.

However, these songs represent a slave nation as a whole. Unleashing the pain and suffering that went on along with the continued hope they had to pursue forward-looking above.

“Knowing that one day a change gone come, would come…

I write and share this video in honor of black history month and for all those continue to share their stories…………………..


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