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Motivation Weight loss: My Exercise Tips and Strategies

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Well it has been almost a little more than half the year now, and the fall months are starting to come in. Winter will be soon around the corner, the kids will all be back in school and little bit older as each year goes by.

However, at the moment I have been feeling the urge to get back into my fitness routine. I love working out and have pretty much worked out my whole life. I can remember running track, going to weight lifting class and all that good stuff.

Heck I even used to have my own personal trainer certification and worked in a gym.

Well things change and people change, we all go through things.

The past two years were quite a little hectic for me in which I ended moving twice and cutting off all my hair.

In the meantime, while taking care of everyone else I sort of put myself on the back burner and ending up gaining some weight. Not a lot, but enough where all the muscle that I did have has turned to mush.

Something, that I am not used to. I have always had some sort of definition.

So with a new spurt of action, I decided to get back in the gym and take things a lot more seriously!


I even Hired a personal trainer, got my treadmill out the garage,  and set up a small workout station in the den.

It’s time for Motivation Weight Loss to Take effect………

I plan to document my journey, letting you know what products I might use and how many inches I lost and so forth.

As you can see in the picture for my home gym, I have a bosu ball, a proform treadmill, a workout ball, step, a floor mat and some Velcro ankle weights.

When you are used to working out and then stop working out, for more than a year or so. That beginners pain creeps back up on you the first couple of times you workout.

I know that exercise is great for your health. It boosts your metabolism to help you burn more calories and fat. It also helps your body release hormones that improve brain function, while preventing and reducing depression.

You’d think with all these benefits it’d be easy to get and stay motivated to exercise.

Well It’s not.

It can be really tough to get off the couch.

Here are five tips and strategies to make it easier:

1. Find something fun. The truth is if exercise isn’t fun you’re probably not going to do it. Who wants to stop whatever they’re doing and torture themselves? The good news is that there’s an easy fix. Do something fun. There are lots of activities that are both exercise and fun. Make a list of activities you like. For example, do you like to dance? Play football? Box? Swim? Ride your bike? Hike? Find an activity you love and make it part of your daily life. One Activity that I plan on incorporating is the wii just dance program. I ended up playing with this program over a family members house and loved it, I really broke out a sweat. Zumba fitness is one that I have tried also and love.

2. Make it a group effort. It’s easier to get and stay motivated if you have others who are counting on you. For example, if you and a few friends join a gym and go to the gym together. You can hold your friends accountable and vice versa. It’s a great way to get and stay motivated. You can celebrate each other’s success. You can motivate each other to push yourselves harder. All my friends have really long work hours So I just decided to go with a personal trainer.

3. Make it convenient and easy. Which is easier, driving to the gym thirty minutes away or running on a treadmill in your home? Many people are seriously pressed for time and finding a way to squeeze in a trip to the gym can seem impossible. Especially when you have kids, so most of my working out will be at home, and some gym.

4. Monitor and Track your progress. It’s incredibly motivating to set goals for fitness. Tracking your fitness helps you see what you’ve accomplished. For example, if you’re walking and running with a goal of eventually running a 5K race. Tracking how long you run each day will help you achieve your goal. You’ll
be able to see what you’ve accomplished and how to plan for the future. I decided to download Jillian michaels free fitness plan to see what it came up with. I added her  two phone apps. A motivation app and a slim-down app. Jillian Michaels program is only $4.00 a week and gives you everything you need to get started. Trackers, meal plans and workout routines to get you started.  I am alsotaking a look at diet power to add to my daily monitoring and tracking process for food.  I have always wanted a really tight body and I think watching what I eat really thorough  would help me reach my goals a lot quicker. They have a special on right now to Try DietPower FREE for 15 Days. In part two  I will let you know If I like it or not.

5. Vary your routine. It’s easy to get into an exercise rut. Simply changing your routine and your activity can prevent this from happening. Mix strength training activities with aerobic activities. Take walks. Take fitness classes from time to time.

Exercise is great for you. There’s no reason it has to be difficult. With a few simple steps and some advanced planning you can get and stay motivated to work out.

Stay tuned for part two of my Motivation Weight Loss Challenge.

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1 Comment

  1. steves yok
    July 19, 2011 / 10:17 pm

    In addition to exercising people tend to eat more and also ends up choosing wrong options so add about the reasons for the failure of the weight loss program.

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