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What Is FairTrade? Have You Ever Wondered.

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earth divas eco handbagsWhat Is Fairtrade? Have you ever wondered.

Fairtrade clothing, fairtrade products, Fairtrade Starbucks coffee, Huh. 

What does all that stuff mean?

Well if you have ever been to your local grocery store, farmers market or high end health food stores. I am sure you have seen the logo or passed by it once or twice. Maybe you have heard about in your local media.

But exactly what is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is basically a new organized system to ensure that companies around the world. Are treating their workers fairly and honestly. While at the same time giving back to the community in which their workers live. This organization makes sure that environmental sustainability, fair labor conditions, are put into place and followed. It also ensures the reinvestment of resources into local communities.

Pretty Much this act makes it better for all people.

So who regulates Fairtrade and makes the decision if a product or business can be labeled Fairtrade?

Internationally, there is the Fairtrade Labeling Organization, or FLO, which co-ordinates Fairtrade labeling at an international level. Their offices are located in Bonn, Germany and they:


* Set international Fairtrade standards

* Organize support for producers around the world

* Develop global Fairtrade strategy

* Promote trade justice internationally


Nationally, there is the Fair Trade Federation. The FTF was established to strengthen and promote North American organizations fully committed to fair trade. The Federation is part of the global Fairtrade movement, building equitable and sustainable trading partnerships and creating opportunities to alleviate poverty.

Likewise, there is also a European Fair Trade Association. EFTA’s goal is to promote fair trade and to make fair trade importing more efficient and effective.

The Fairtrade Action Network was than established to connect volunteers who are interested in promoting fair trade. Their goal is to create an internet community to share ideas and experiences on fair trade campaigning.

So who can use the Fairtrade Mark?

Well every country has its own labeling Initiative which varies from country to country however they all have to meet Flo Standards.

As you can see, Fairtrade is a global initiative.

When you buy Fairtrade  you are helping to ensure that workers around the world are treated fairly. It is bringing global production to a whole new level. Allowing you the consumer the  option of knowing if what you are wearing is fairtrade, and if what you are eating was produced honestly.

I know we all can’t do Fair trade 100% of the time, heck even I can’t.

Even the little bit that we can do will go a long way.

So whenever you can buy Fairtrade.





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