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Luv Naturals Product Line Review!

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Well  guys I had the chance to buy the full the brand new product line from Kim Luv. Which if you follow her you know that it is called Luv Naturals. I follow Kim Luv, and I love her products. This woman has created a full pH balanced hair care product line tailored for women with kinky-er hair textures. She has spent many hours and years researching information, products, even the real science of what it takes to master ethnic textured hair.

I’ve been natural for a good little minute and never have I seen a full line, that worked this well on my type 4b/c hair as well as the luv naturals product line has in just one use. I have to give to Kim Luv, for taking the patience, determination and just pure want to formulate something so special as this.

Now I have to admit the products are a little bit on the more pricey side, but I have been known to pay more on other things so why not make the investment in my hair. In the video below, I do mention that I might not buy the shampoo again. Only because it’s the only product in the whole line that did not impress me as much. I just don’t consider it as great as my Griffin Remedy Shampoo. But that is just my opinion every ones hair responds differently to different things.

Your Hair might love it.

Now when it comes to the Don’t be so Clingy Detangler, the Conditional Love, and the Love me and Leave me in Conditioner. These are my  faves! I am glad I took the time to invest in a small black owned business. Which has created some spectacular products, in my opinion for type kinky hair!

To learn more visit: Luv Naturals!

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