Home | Natural Hair | I have a 4B Hair Texture And I Hate It!………

I have a 4B Hair Texture And I Hate It!………

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” I have a 4b hair texture and I hate It!”….


fro week pic one


This is one of the comments  I got this week, which was pretty much telling me that she hates having a 4b hair texture. Mainly because she has not been able to master her texture and get it under control with no frizz.  She works a lot and needs to have her hair groomed on  a daily basis.  We all know that yes, having a type 4 hair texture can be a bit much to deal with if you have not learned your hair type  and more so if your like me and I am not good with styles and can hardly braid.   I highly recommend that everyone read If You Love It , It Will Grow!  to get to know your hair type and what you can do to remedy the problems.


I would love to know what you think and if you have any ideas that would help her out in the comments below?



I have 4b hair texture and I have to honestly say I hate it.  I have tried many different products and recipes that just don’t work for my hair. Twist outs turn out frizzy no matter what I use. My ends are the driest and most difficult part of my hair. Conditioners do not penetrate my hair. Instead they just sit on top of my hair. After conditioning I have add some kind of moisturizer my hair throughout the week (glycerin and water helps a bit especially in humid weather). I have lost more hair in the past year and a half of transitioning compared to being relaxed. After cutting off the relaxed hair in May 2014 I thought outer would get easier but not at all. I don’t know how to braid was I can barely do twist outs. In addition I cannot wear a wild agro to work every day. Although I am low maintenance when it comes to hair, I do want to change my hair styles. I have tried the current look by using perm rods. Disaster washed a frizzy mess. Everyone suggests says you just have to find the products that work.

Arghhhh!!! Nothing Works!!!

I just end up frustrated and disappointed every time. I don’t like wearing braided extensions because I don’t like the tugging and pulling or soreness afterwards. They are too bulky washed they get in the way. I don’t want to wear weave either. Also i have to deal with family asking me why I have my hair like this and when am I going to make it look decent. I keep trying and trying to no avail. I can’t do this anymore. Nothing works for me. I have to go back to a relaxed….unfortunately. I just can’t make this work. I just want my hair to be the way it was before. Hmmmm…Cream of Nature or Mizani…either of those sounds good to me.



This Is What I responded with…. . I hope this helps. 


I’m sorry you feel that way Alexia, I struggled for a long time too, more so because I’m a really laid back person and I cannot braid or really ever get a great twist out. Because let’s face it, 4c hair is really tightly coiled and will always have some sort of frizz to it.

The one thing I have found to combat it  is to watch the Ph levels of the products I use, not to go over 7. Since that would be way to high and damaging on the hair.

I use leaves in with a mixture of aloe Vera juice and pre-poo with oils overnight for more shine and protection against shedding. I only finger detangle now and use the steamer at least once a week. Sometimes even in protective styles.

Have you ever considered locking your hair for a while?

I don’t use perm rods either since I am not one for doing extravagant styles. Try to make sure you are not using products with sulfates, these can build up on the hair and not let the conditioners do their job. I have found that Mud based shampoos like Tercentennials do very well on type 4 hair and even on mine followed by an apple cider vinegar rinse, leave in with aloe juice and oil and then a sealant of castor oil or jojoba oil.

I try to let my hair dry naturally by putting it in protective styles for a week. While re-twisting some about every two days and spritzing with Alikay natural lemongrass leave in.

Than after about two days I seal again withShea moisture or Jane Carters Nourish and Shine. The main thing is to leave the hair alone. Our hair does not like a lot of manipulation. Wash, Clarify, Condition, Seal…..Let it be. I hope this helps.




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1 Comment

  1. TinaB
    October 14, 2015 / 7:45 pm

    Hi, my daughter has a 4a/4b, spongy hair texture. I understand your struggle and frustrations. It actually sounds like you may have low porosity hair, since you mentioned conditioners don’t penetrate your hair. I think steaming the conditioner in your hair may work, as well as practice the GHE from time to time. That should help your cuticles open, and help moisture get inside the strands. Another thing that has been a saving grace is stretching her hair. After washing I like to either put her hair into 4 big bantu knots, a roller set, or curlformer set. This helps with tangles and makes styling a breeze.

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