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Greek Feta Pizza and Infused Pineapple Green Tea!

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I had the chance to visit Infused Tea in College Park, a hip cool little subdivision in Orlando, Fl, which is where I grew up. In fact I went to school during my highschool years pretty close to here. Well this spot has totally been doing a lot of revamping lately and a ton of cute little eco-friendly, vegan, organic foodie spots have been opening up around here. This side of town is so cool for its 1950’s sort of vibe while it continues to make it modern but still hold on to the traditional essence of College Park.


Well,  I decided to try out their Greek Feta Pizza and Infused Pineapple Green Tea it was so delicious. I’m pretty bia’s when it comes to little spots that serve tea and vegan food. I’m a foodie! I’ll eat just about anything that is made with the right ingredients and will not hurt my figure.  ðŸ˜‰


My husband was the one that put me op on the place, I mentioned it to him a while back but never had the chance to stop by their, even though its right next to the car lot that we own.  Go figure, right.


Look at how good this pizza looks with it roma tomatoes, olives, feta cheese and green salad with balsamic dressing, perfect right on top with the greek feta pizza.


Hmmm…..Good Stuff!


Post by I’m A Natural Chick.



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