Home | 23andMe and Ancestry – Home DNA Test Kit!

23andMe and Ancestry – Home DNA Test Kit!

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So, yes I ended up succumbing to the urge to get some DNA tests done. With all the DNA reviews on youtube and tons of little weird information, you could find out about yourself. I had to give in and buy two not just one home DNA Kit.

Yes, when it comes to the whole DNA thing, I’m not that big on,  oh, I’m part this or I’m part that. Since I truly believe that we all come from one man and one woman and that it’s all trivial. However, the fact that my mom’s grandmother walked away one day and no one knew what happened to her is something that has always intrigued me, along with the fact that my grandfather is Bi-racial and his father has a whole different family out there that he has never met.

Interesting to say the least.

Along with the fact that being African-American you never really know what part of Africa you come from unless you do some sort of DNA Research.

So I was very curious to do some sort of Home Dna Kit to see what the results would be and if I had some sort of Distant Cousin out there I knew nothing about.


So the first thing I did was research on the Internet for the top two Cheapest Home DNA Kits that I could find. Which Were 23andme and AncestryDna kits. These two kits were the most affordable and would give me a decent synopsis of someplace to start.

I ordered the 23andme Dna Kit here if you would like to check it out, and Ancestry.com has its own DNA kit which you could take a look at here!

The price for both was only $99.00 a piece and I ordered standard shipping so the price was about 110.00 for each one separately. I was so excited when I got them in the mail to start, however, it took me a week or two before I even did the test.

The tests both came with a vile sort of shaped like the vials that take blood from you if you ever had your blood taken. So with these vials, I had to spit in them, I was so grossed out by spitting in the vile that it took me two weeks to complete.

Really, its a really simple five-minute process except my own spit phobias got the best of me. 😉

Once you place your mouth fluids in the vile then you seal it and send it back in the return box they gave you.

Simple as 1, 2,3.

Once I sent off the boxes it took about a week and a half to get the results and they send you an email, you are able to set up an account with 23andme and Ancestry.com to view your results.

You can see the backend here of my 23andme below where you will see the haplogroups I belong to.





The cool thing about it is once you get your results you will be able to see your DNA and if you have any distant cousins!! Totally cool right!!


I have been able to locate 2nd cousins I never knew existed along with the fact that you are able to share family trees if you want to. You are not required to find family if that is something you don’t want to do. I just want to know DNA information and possibly some clues as to where my some of my great, great parents birth and so forth.


Ancestry.com has its own Home DNA Test Kit so if you are interested visit their site to get all the information you need.  23andme is another one that is pretty cool and easy to use and at an affordable price.


23andme.com or Ancestry.com Dna kit – Get Ya One!


I know I did!

















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