Home | Raising Positive Boys: In a Terror Filled World

Raising Positive Boys: In a Terror Filled World

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Raising Positive Children



You know I’m sitting here and I’m watching t.v. and I’m wondering about the state the world is in these days. So many bad things are happening from cops being shot, to kids being shot, to terrorists attacking many cities. To little kids being hurt around the world in terrorists attacks and many people starving from not having no where to live and food to eat.

Just not even having the basic necessitates to get by on the day to day.

So sad right…. ;-(

Many of these thing’s can really put a damper on young ones and really break down their spirit to see all these things going on. I have four young boys and yes they are bi-racial. With all these things happening, I don’t want them growing up feeling like the world is a bad place or that they should be scared to walk down the street, or not trust authority.

That is why I make an effort each day to make sure my kids always have some sort of respect for the law. I try to instill in my kids that there is hope out there beyond what they might see on T.V..  That there is a hope out there well beyond what someone might tell you or what you might hear. This world will not define how my kids view themselves or if they grow up in fear and scared to walk down the road.

I will not let a terror filled world stop them from enjoying themselves, to stop them from traveling, or just loving people in general no matter what shade or color they are.

As, long as I instill the hope of the good news in my kids and let them know they are loved and that there is brighter future ahead of them. That they don’t have to think about all the stuff that is going in the world today or what is shown in the media. As long as I let them know they have a worth and that I love them.

Than they have nothing to worry about,.

Love overcomes all and as long as they have that for people and themselves and a hope for a positive future. Than they don’t have to worry about growing up in a terror filled world.



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  1. July 22, 2016 / 11:48 am

    I can’t imagine what it’s like for people who don’t know that we’re living in the time of the end and that this is all a part of prophecy. We’re fortunate to have that knowledge so we don’t succumb to fear and anxiety.

    • Avatar photo July 22, 2016 / 2:04 pm

      So true, with all the fear mongering going on. It really has put people in a state of hysteria. So thankful for the knowledge that we have. xoxo

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