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Green Cleaning Tips and Ideas

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You know in the time that we are living in there are so many options on the market to clean our homes with, you can basically find just about any magic pill in a box to clean anything. From windows to clothes to floors the options are endless. The only sad thing about having this great variety of cleaning products is that many are playing a heavy toll on our environment, from the packing they are placed in to the chemicals they are made out of .

Many Manufacturing companies are allowed to place many harmful chemicals into the products even with documented evidence of many being able to cause cancer and birth defects and who knows what else. All that is pretty scary to me, and that is why I try my hardest to clean my home with green cleaning products are make my own. Coming from a family with a brother that died from cancer I don’t take anything lightly and I am always looking for new ways to keep my family healthy or at least try to keep them out of harm’s way as much as possible.

Cleaning is a necessary evil. If we didn’t spend some time cleaning we’d be knee deep in filth, which isn’t too good for the environment. But, cleaning with toxic chemicals isn’t doing the environment, or us, any favors either. If you change the way you clean your home you can save money, help the environment and might even help to protect your families health

Like many people most keep many of their cleaning products under the sink, I used to with a lock until my kids learned how to open it. Then I changed to my top cabinets in the laundry room where they can not reach. However, no matter how high you keep them it does not make it any safer, most if not all have labels warning you of the danger if any of the products get into the eye, become ingested or so forth.

The thought just makes me cringe……….

But that does not mean that you are I have to stay exposed to this harmful chemicals are allow our family too either.

For starters you could manufacture your own cleaning supplies of your own. Think of it this way – our grandmothers didn’t have fancy aerosol bottles full of chemicals and scrubbing bubbles to keep their house spic-and-span, so why do we? Here are a few tips to help you get your home spotless without breathing toxic air.

Green Clean states – You don’t have to change your home and your habits over-night. Achieving a truly, green home is a gradual process, a series of little steps. And even the smallest changes make a difference. ~Green Clean the environmentally sound Guide to Cleaning Your Home.

To find out more about Green Clean you can read my review here. Green Clean – The Environmentally sound Guide to Cleaning Your Home Review.

Here some green cleaning ideas to get you started:

Use Dishcloths to clean your Dishes.

How long have you used that sponge next to your kitchen sink? Chances are you’ve been using it way too long. Sponges can harbor lots of bacteria and actually be spreading germs on your counter tops instead of removing germs. Dishcloths are washed regularly right along with the dishtowels so they get clean more often. Wash your dishcloths with cold water and detergent; the combination will clean and kill germs sufficiently. You may want to add white vinegar as it is widely believed that this helps disinfect without any harmful chemicals.

Make your Own Green Cleaning Supplies.

A simple solution of vinegar and water can be used in a spray bottle to cut grease on surfaces like your stove and the counter-tops. Vinegar and water is also a perfect solution to clean floors, windows, and the refrigerator and freezer. To clear a clog in the bathroom drain, use white vinegar and baking soda to break up whatever might be stuck in your drain. Baking soda and fine steel wool can help remove dirt from the grout in the tub and shower, around the sink fixtures, and in other places where crud tends to collect.

Buy Eco-friendly Cleaning Products.

Many companies have created their own line of Eco – friendly cleaning products that are better for the environment and less toxic to you. They are usually affordable and concentrated so they go a long way. These products are now available in many of the big stores you are familiar with, and can even be found online.

One great one that I like is Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent, you can find it in publix and any natural health store however amazon is a great spot because they give you lots of savings.

As you see , it only takes a few easy steps to get you started on the road to cleaning in a green way. Get rid of all those chemical based cleaners and use something more natural for a deep down clean that is safe for the environment… and you, too.

P.S. Learning to Clean Green is Easy and is fun as you learn how to make the necessary changes.

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