Home | Natural Hair | My 3 Month Loc Journey: I loc’d My Hair!

My 3 Month Loc Journey: I loc’d My Hair!

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It’s that time again to show you what I’ve been up to with my hair. I decided to go back to locs! Loc’s are something I have always loved my for hair, they are so easy to have. They don’t require that much up-keep and really fits in with my lifestyle. I can just get up go as I please, re-locing my hair is by far one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time.

If you have type 4 hair or 4c hair then you know how difficult it is to keep up with your hair, especially if your already short on time. My natural hair is very tightly coiled and required tons of nurture and care to keep it healthy.

I’m not about that life anymore. In fact all I want to do is wash and go.

Yep, just get up and go 🙂

I started my locs with the two strand twists method, I did not do them myself but decided to go to a loctician to start them for me. Hey, maybe one day I’ll learn to do them on my own. But until then I’m going to the stylist to have them re-twisted.

I wish I would have posted on here a lot earlier and showed you guys my 1 month and 2 month loc journey.

But I didn’t,  so I’m hoping this 3 month loc journey update will suffice  going forward. 🙂

Tell me have you thought about starting loc’s before?

Or better yet do you have loc’s?


I would love to know!








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