Home | Healthy Whole Wheat Rolls Recipe – A Sure Keeper

Healthy Whole Wheat Rolls Recipe – A Sure Keeper

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If you are one of those that like to  buy your dinner rolls and prepare them straight out of the package to save some time than you might want to have a look at this healthy whole wheat dinner rolls recipe.  Making rolls, bread and biscuits are not that hard and are a lot better for you, with a little bit of forethought you not only will have taster dinner rolls, but more rolls that are made with out all pesty preservatives and nasty gmo’s ( genetically modified ingredients).

Simple Bites Owner Aimée Wimbush-Bourque, editor of Simplebites.net shows you how to shape and bake whole wheat buttermilk rolls in a unique way – in a jar!

She Explains that you should use:

To get the full Recipe and directions visit Simple Bites.net

I love this Recipe and Can’t wait to make it again with the Kids!

Get the full recipe and more great ideas at simplebites.net/dinner-rolls-in-a-jar-wh­ole-wheat-buttermilk-rolls

P.S. Want to know where you can find great Whole Wheat Flour for less Money, You can get Bobs Stone Ground 100% Whole Wheat Flour for a very reasonable price.  Click Here to Get it!

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