A Little Bit of This – A little Bit of that.

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little girl

Source: marcusdesigninc.blogspot.com via Kecia on Pinterest


This week I had the pleasure of reading a couple of great articles around the web, the first one being The article Americans are Less Green This Earth Day by Modern Hippie Mag. I found it particularly interesting that according to the The Green Attitude Polls and the New Harris Polls that humans are less green this year, than previous years. The poll also gives the implication that many Americans are going green only for the benefit of helping themselves financially. Hmm…….. Something to think about.

Keeper of the home gives some great advice on the Dangers of Aluminum and why you should remove them from your home. I had no clue that aluminum foil is something you should not use when you cook. What an eye-opener.

I also read How to Eat Local Without Ten Extra Stops, by Kelly the Kitchen Top because although I consider myself good at eating real food. I need to practice and learn how to cut down my time finding real food. Good Stuff.

We'll those are some of the many that I had a chance to read and enjoy this week. What did you enjoy reading this week?


Back To The Start: Awesome Chipotle Ad!

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I saw this back to the start chipotle ad on tv the other week and had to share it here. The pure simplicity of the video is catching and make you think a lot about a lot of things. Then they added Willie Nelson to the mix with his ear catching rendition of the song.  So put it all together it was a perfect combination. Chipotle is a company that prides itself on great food, natural farming techniques and all around giving back to the environment.

Kudo's to Chipotle for taking a great step in bringing more awareness to our current food system, by showing us how we can still eat great with causing harm to the animals or the agriculture.

Living simple is what is all about, taking just little steps will go a long way in the overall scheme of things.

Would love to know your thought on the Video. I love it!!!!!

Green Smoothie Recipes For Beginners: Detox

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As part of my detox Challenge I have been eating really clean healthy foods in attempt  to cleanse my body of all the gunk. Usually about every two days I make a green smoothie and everyday I will make sure to eat a salad with dark leafy greens.  Dark leafy greens are full of a ton of vitamins that help the body speed up the detoxification process.

If you have not had the chance yet to read my  Intro to Detoxification you can do so here.

Below I show you one of my green smoothie recipes. I call this one my sunset passion, because it contains peaches, almost the color of the sun and red strawberries which invokes passion to me.  It contains Ice,  water, kefir,  honey, spinach and my handy dandy amazing super grass supplements. I just take about four of them and open up the gel case and pour the ingredients into the smoothie machine.

I usually buy the supplements from whole foods, but you can also get them on amazon.

Green Smoothies

The first thing that I do is assemble all the ingredients together as you can see in photo above. About a cup n half of spinach, 1 bag of organic frozen peaches (semi – thawed).  1 cup of ice, 1 cup of water because  I like my smoothies sort of creamy and not as thick. 4 Amazing green grass supplements and honey. Just about 1 tablespoon or two depending on your taste buds.

You have to make sure it is pure Un-refined honey, that is not heated or pasteurized. Because you will be missing out on valuable vitamins if it is. Honey is considered a miracle sweetness because of all the antioxidants it contains and the healing properties it as able to produce.

I place everything in the container together.


Then the last step is just to blend, I sometimes add about a half cup of kefir which is a natural milk probiotic for extra creaminess but you can also add coconut milk, water, raw milk whatever fits your taste.

Then “Wa, La you have a simple easy tasty green smoothie.  You can drink smoothies twice a day with salads for a couple of days and you are already on a natural detox diet. That is filling and does not taste bad at all.

There you go.

Once smooth  you are all done and ready to enjoy your tasty, healthy green smoothie. You could also make a pineapple and banana one with the spinach and amazing green grass. Absolutely delicious!

This is one smoothie that is kid tested, mother approved. My kids love it.

I'm sure you will enjoy it.

19 Months Natural

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I decided to finally do a video of my growth progress for  my natural hair. Doing a whole bunch of length check videos is not something I am really into as you  can see from the date of the last time I did a length check. Your hair will grow, it's best just to leave it alone and let it run its course. Something that I am learning more and more each day.

My hair loves to just be left alone, and I love to leave it alone.

We'll check out the video below and let me know what you think.

Project Night Night – Helping Homeless Kids Read

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You know a little helps goes a long way…….. Especially when it comes to reading to our children.

Reading is something that mostly everyone enjoys, particularly if you were taught from a young age to enjoy reading. It is what makes the world go round not exactly money. Reading and being able to read is sort of related to either being in prison or not in prison.

Mentally I mean………..

It can help you get ahead in life or really cause you to be set back a notch.

With the world in the state that it's in now with all the economic woes that is facing the world as a whole today. Many more families are losing their homes. In effect causing children to now live with out home, and not able to have the resources they once had.

In the United States Alone the number of homeless children is now 1.5 Million which is an alarming rate across the board.

According to Project Night Night”

The regular interruption in schooling for homeless children, the lack of personal belongings including books, and the constant anxiety experienced, leads homeless students to struggle with school and to fall behind their peers. The National Center on Family Homelessness indicates that only 48 percent of homeless children in grades three through twelve rated proficient in reading on standardized tests.

Studies have shown that students with more types of reading materials at home perform better on standardized tests. Yet, homeless children frequently have few or no reading materials.

Which Is so sad, because what child does not want to read, what child does not want to feel wanted. Better yet what child does want to be given the chance to let their imagination soar, without being stifled as to what their true potential could be.

If only they were taught how to read and enjoy it.

Join me as I have already contributed to the great cause of project night Night who are helping combat the issue by putting books in the hands of homeless kids. Who have already been torn from their home and some who never really had one.

Lets help them give back to our young people by helping them help young ones learn to read.

What a great and noble cause this is and I am happy to spread the word about it.

Reading is one of the greatest gifts you could give someone young or old who does not know how to read. Because in the end you are freeing them from the sadness of the world around them.

Allowing them to escape if only for a moment into the wonderful world of a book.

Let's give our young people a better chance at life, a better chance at school, at better chance at learning to read…