Kind Nutrition Bars: O’h How I Love Them!

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kind bars

I have been trying out these new  Kind nutrition Bars Lately. Boy, do I love them. Eating nutrition bars is not something that I have been into, in fact most , brands taste very pasty, chalky and too thick for my taste. Than to top it all off they leave a nasty aftertaste in my mouth. Many nutrition or health bars contain way to much sugar, and are full of fillers and synthetic vitamins.  Synthetic Vitamins in fact are not even utilized by the entire body completely, in fact in some people it could even cause adverse reactions.

So as you can see picking out nutrition bars to eat was never high on my list. Than one day I was in health food store and on the isle I saw these kind bars. These bars kept on getting my attention, I did not try them the first go around. Than the second or third time I went back to the store I decided to give them another try. I am so glad I did. I ended up trying their peanut butter and chocolate combination the first time around.  Man did I fall in love in love with these kind fruit and nut bars, they taste so good!

It was like eating a sneaker bar, but not as sweet.

If that gets you thinking.

I have never tasted a nutrition bar packed with so much deliciousness.

To top it all off, these bars are made with:

  • Ingredients you can actually say.
  • Filled with only non GMO (genetically modified organisms).
  • Very, very low sugar content.
  • Very low calorie content if you count calories, how ever I follow a (traditional foods way of eating). So counting calories is irrelevant to me.
  • KIND's all natural whole nut & fruit bars put an end to hunger by delivering all-natural nutrients like fiber, protein, calcium and iron. (I know this for a fact because when I snack on them in between meals, I don't get hungry or experience a drop in my blood sugar levels. )
  • According to a Yale Study, snacking on two kind bars a day can help with naturally suppressing your appetite and reduce overeating.
  • The Kind Bars are high in Fiber.
  • Filled with a ton of all natural protein, with no chemical additives.
  • Completely Kosher!
  • Even Gluten free!

These kind power bars, kind snack bars whatever you want to call them is just what its name implies.  They impart a kind  holistic way of making food and that is better for your health.

Not to mention the fact, they come in all kind of flavors! From Macadamia and Apricot, to almond and coconut. To peanut butter and strawberry, and the list goes on. They include three lines.The Fruit nut line,  the Kind Plus Line  which is packed with a nutritional boost,  than last but not least the healthy grains lines. Filled with ingredients such as whole grains amaranth, quinoa, oats, millet and buckwheat.

Totally a health benefit.

Since I found these kind nutrition bars I have loved them and will continue to eat more. They have become a staple for myself and family and great to give to kids.  I feel as if I have finally found my one true nutrition bar.

When you get a chance give Kind  a try, I promise you will love them.

Ready to give them a try, check them out here!







How to Eat Real Food: Part Two

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Recently I discussed in part one  the importance of  how to eat real food. Now I would like to explain why I feel that grass fed meat and pastured animal products are better for you.

I have always believed that “you are what you eat” since what you eat can greatly affect your mind, your health and overall well-being. As in this video on how food can affect your mood. The speaker goes on to say that

Junk food equals junk moods.

I thought this was a powerful statement that really gets you to thinking!

Everything that we eat is made of nutrients, macro nutrients that are the building blocks of life for new cell growth. The human body is always in a constant state of Regeneration and this cannot happen effectively without proper nourishment.

 dining together

It is sort of like our skin which sheds all day long; when we bathe we are actually exfoliating our bodies sloughing off dead skin cells releasing the new ones to come to the top. The same thing happens inside the body with our cells. The old go away and new ones are formed.

With such a constant pace of cell regeneration, which helps to fight off disease it is best if we equip our bodies with best nourishment. Empty calories or substandard food will only ensure that our foundation for health and wellness is weak.

Eating food that is pretty much factory raised does have issues that come with them. Much of the animals today are raised in factory's that are meant to make them fat for slaughtering by having them eat empty calories.

If you have not had the chance yet to watch the film Food Incthan I suggest you do so. You can read my official review of it here since it goes into more detail in a video manner about the horrible conditions on how our food goes from factory to plate.

Many of the animals are fed genetically modified craps that has already been sprayed with pesticides that can harm their digestive systems. Cows are supposed to eat grass and roughage but instead they are fed grains and corn to make them fat. Sugars from the corn increase the fat content unnaturally and can cause disease. Chickens are shut in doors and kept from the greens and bugs outside (their natural habitat) in close quarters with really no exercise what so ever. But fed grains and soy once again to fatten them as quick as possible.

If you are what you eat, then what do we hope to become by eating animal products that come from factory farms?


real food today

This is a scary thought and it is one that paved the way for the rebirth of the grass fed and pastured foods movement. A lot of consumers are now looking for safer alternatives by seeking out beef from cows that are grass fed, and allowed to roam naturally with minimal pesticide interaction. They buy farm fresh eggs where the chickens are allowed to roam free and eat grass, seeds, bugs, fruit that is more natural to them.

Grass-fed meat is lean and has a fat content that more closely resembles chicken or wild game. This actually helps to improve your cholesterol levels instead of raise them. While it is low in the bad fats associated with high cholesterol, it is very high in the good fats, the omega-3 fatty acids. All of the nutrition from the pastures they graze translates into lean cuts of meat and delicious milk that are nutritionally superior and much healthier for your family.

Pastured eggs are said to have about 20 times more omega-3 fatty acids than their factory farmed counterparts. The moment you crack open a pastured egg you can tell from the dark orange yolk that you are eating something rich and full of nutrition. They also taste infinitely better than other eggs. Once you try them you will find you be hard pressed to ever go without again.

As the saying goes, we are truly what we eat!

What are your thoughts on the whole Real Food Movement?

P.S. Stay Tuned for Part Three of the series on How to eat Real Food!

Better Than a Box

How to Eat Real Food: Part One

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As I’m sitting here eating this gluten free chocolate chip cookie, I decided it would be a really great time to let you know about a really cool book that I have been reading.organic_farming

The book is called In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan who is the author of the omnivore’s Dilemma, and may I add a New York Times bestseller.

I have had the book for quite some time now and never got around to finishing it until now and boy what an awesome book! Michael Pollan really delivers in this book. He gives some great insight into what Real Food is and how we can come to know  how to eat in a more conscious manner. Which is not only better for ourselves, but will greatly increase sustainability of the world we live in.

If you do not know exactly what real food is than you might want to take notes.

Just kidding:)

As the decades have passed mainly in the latter part of the 19th century we have been inundated by mass media and marketing claims that the food we are eating is really healthy.

I mean right, who would really have questions about food that is supposed to be good for us, I mean since most of the food we eat is sponsored and given kudos from some of the biggest health associations out there.

But as we all know not everything that always shines is  always gold.


I mean I may sound harsh but that is just the stark reality of the food that is out there.

So what really is a Traditional Food Diet (way of eating)?

And why have many chosen this choice?

Well first off traditional eating is mainly getting back to the roots of eating, the real core food of what true food is. It is pretty much cutting out all the junk, the processed crap and really eating yummy, healthy wholesome food.

Traditional food is how we used to eat about 50 to 100 years before we had all the commercialized way of eating.

Which is pretty much governed by the food scientists.

Yes there are food scientists that exist who’s job is to take and re-create new ways of making food. That has never existed on its own, but is taken from real food sources, stripped of all nutrient values and than enriched once again( bread) to try to make it healthy.

As more and more companies came into play so did the power and money. Big money was an issue and now not only were they telling us what was healthy for us. The food corporations started to really make us believe that many of staples that have existed for centurys was bad fur us.

Like butter…….

It was this marketing that made us believe that good old fashioned butter would make us fat and that fake butter in the form of chemical laden margarine was actually the better option.

mamie via

They started processing traditional favorites and using marketing tactics to make us believe that these new foods and products were healthier for us, but in reality the companies are taking healthy nourished food in its true form, and depleting it of it true potential all in effect to gain a buck.

They remove the healthiest parts, while adding chemical preservatives and flavorings to make it tasty.

Likewise during that time period when the food corporations were just getting started they had to find a way to make many believe that the lard, or grease from animal products would make them fat. Never mind the fact that fake oils like processed vegetable shortening is actually really what will make you fat.

Not to mention the fact that low fat and skim milk is not all that they claim it to be, in fact your body needs fat to survive. The brain is made up of fatty tissues and needs good fats to function at its maximum peak.

Good fats such as good oils like coconut oil, olive oil, and real animal fats.

Real fat foods that nature provides are almost always better and healthier for us than what can be made in a lab, where critical fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K2 are often lost or removed. While at the same time many of foods we eat today are packaged in plastic bags or tin cans with with BPA (Bisphenol A) liners that can leach toxic substances into our food.

That is why many today are going back to a more traditional way of eating, the real food way.

I am not saying you have to go all gung ho, and drastically change your life to eat the real food way.

What I am saying that every little bit helps. When you start to eliminate the artificial , processed , colorful , pre-packaged foods. And start shopping locally by going to the farmers market, natural health food stores and buying fresh produce you will have already started a new way a eating that is more healthy and delicious for yourself.

Clever marketing may have made us temporarily believe that scientists could engineer better foods but vast increase in degenerative diseases afflicting us over the past few decades has made many of us rethink this position. If food is to be our medicine than we need to give the foods we eat a vast deal more consideration and return to traditional foods.

Here are a list of resources that you should look into if you want to know more about eating real food and a traditional way of eating.

Weston Price Foundation A great resource for learning about what traditional eating is and why it is so important. You should read this information great enlightening source of valuable material . Will leave you speechless.

The Nourishing Cook Great Site for learning some real food recipes easily and ready for cooking.

How food Impacts Your Mood– A previous post examining the roots of how food can disrupt your mood.

P.S. Click Here for Part Two and my official review of In Defense of Food.



Real Food Course

How Food Impacts Your Mood – And The Real Food Revolution

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Did you know that the food you are eating can actually be doing you more harm than good. Well its true even if you think you are eating right and dieting than you might just be in for a big surprise. Many wonder why they feel the way that they do, with hypertension, headaches, insomnia, thyroid problems and all sorts of issues.

The way that we eat even affects our children and can exhibit itself in the form of hyperactivity, sleeplessness, obesity and even the inability to not hold their attention for long sorts of time. As you guys know I am mom of four boys and I have one son that has been dealing with chemical imbalances in his brain for quite some time now.

When I say chemical imbalances I am referring to hyperactivity and more things in which he has been evaluated and I refused to place my son on medication.

That is when I really started to learn more about how food affects the brain and the body, especially in kids with problems such as these.

I continued my long journey on learning more about some of the issues he was dealing with, until I came to learn about real food and the real food movement. Which was something I was pretty much doing at the time on my own already.  However I was able to learn tons of new stuff about how what we eat can actually affect our mood and our whole bodily functions. To the point of being able increase our lifespan or reduce it.

That I why I wanted to share with you some of the information I have known about for quite some time now. I wanted you to know more about why eating real food is ten times better for you and why it’s so great for your heart and immune system.

I have a couple books that I have read and will be doing a review on them, really soon!

The first one is the Nourishing Traditions Cookbook An excellent beginners guide that I refer to time and time again when preparing real food.

And the Second one is The Untold Story Of Milk makes you think why everything you thought about milk is wrong and what sort of milk you should be drinking!

Lots to come on these two reviews soon in my what I am reading book section.

I urge you to take a look into the real food for rookies e-course to get a great head start into what real food is and how it can benefit you in the long run.

You can learn more about that course here!

Till than check out this awesome video!

Here is a great video intro on how food can impact your mood and why you should get to thinking about what you are really eating.

P.S. I would love to know your thoughts on the whole issue and even if this is something that has sparked your interests?