Simple Natural Black Hair Styles – Invoking Passion!

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You know sometimes when the going gets tough the tough gets going, that is how some people feel when it comes to dealing with certain situations. However that situation when it comes to hair can cause many to give up easy and not stick through the full course of growing their hair out in its natural state. I admit for  many years off and on I did the same thing, and when you are able to come to a point and realize how beautiful your hair is. And the many textures out their that make our hair so unique, so powerful, so glorious. You will be able to see the true crown of glory that god has surely given us, and that will allow you to fully embrace who you are to the fullest.

So why not on your journey take some time to see great hair shots of women that are doing this well and embracing the kinks to fullest. Many think that our hair if it is kinky that it can only do a limited amount of things, but that can only be further from the truth because our hair can do a great  many things and than some.

Check out these beauties!

These two looks invoke a feeling of coolness, sensuality and confidence in themselves not to mention the old school flash dance look with the shirt coming down on the shoulder. If you ever seen flash dance the movie you will know what I am talking about. The first one with the hair swept to the side and that cream jacket is just lovely.


4c hair flash

So much fun, I can not wait until my hair gets that long for some awesome blowouts!


You know natural hair is so cool and funky it gives so much more personality to the individual and invokes a sense of sensuality at least in my opinion it does.  I am learning as I go in the process and being able to see beautiful pics of women rocking it lets you know just how cool rocking natural black hair can really be.
