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House Of Blues Orlando, Fl

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This past weekend Hubby and I had a chance to get out and have some fun with some old friends. We ended up going to House of Blues Orlando to see one my husband’s favorite male groups from the early 90’s called Jodeci. It was so much fun being able to see Kc and Jojo and the other members of the group just have fun and sing their butts off.

For a minute there I thought they were not going sing live since they have had their share of issues in the past, but to my surprise they sounded great and even have new music out. It was so much fun, just to be able to hang out and let loose without having no kids around. Ryan’s mom came to watch the kid’s while we went out for dinner at Carraba’s and then to the House of blues Orlando. They do have food there, but all though I do love bar food. I really did not feel like eating bar food this night.

They do have food there, but all though I do love bar food. I really did not feel like eating bar food this night.

At Carrabba’s my hubby and I both had the Filet Steak with Blue cheese crumbles and Fettuccine for the Pasta, it was so good! In fact, if you ever wanted to find deals on places to eat in your area then check out resturants.com they have awesome deals, coupons you can download to reduce the cost of the meal.

I just thought I would throw that out there.


House Of Blues Orlando


All in all we had so much and was still not out too late since the show started at 8:30 we still had time to make it home and still get a good night sleep…..


I like to sleep….zzzzzzzz


What Venues do you like to go out too when you really want to have some fun?


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