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Valerie June -Organic Moonshine Rockin Chick

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If you have not heard of Valarie June  than you  in a for treat. Being into old country music, and folk soul. Valarie June is one down to earth chick that is rocking the music scene and changing the game for sure.

Valerie June goal at point is to bring back into awareness the grassroots movement of traditional folk music. As she calls it the organic moonshine roots movement. I fell in love with the title of the movement as I can
remember fondly being a little girl listening to old country music songs and pure at heart folk ones at that.



However don’t let her looks deceive you or even have you thinking huh? She sings that:)

That is what I thought the first time I heard her sing. I’m into country music but to hear a black woman singing country, folk moonshine music at that! Really intrigued me to learn more about her.

Valerie June with the voice of an angel that is smooth as silk, is for surely a star in her own right. As a self taught guitar player and oldest child of five children. Decided to pursue her music passion at the age of 19, she comes from a strict Christian family and pretty much raised her siblings so she is not stranger to hard work and discipline.

Check out Valerie and I when she came to my town and did a wonderful Job!

valerie june album

She has worked with the john forte who co-wrote the fugues album, and she even wrote the popular song No draws blues.  Valerie June is a mixture of Bob Marley, Sinead O’Connor and Dolly parton all in one.

Surely a gem that needs more recognition!

Well I posted a couple of songs of Valerie’s in my play list below for you to listen to.


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