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Green Smoothie Recipes For Beginners: Detox

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As part of my detox Challenge I have been eating really clean healthy foods in attempt  to cleanse my body of all the gunk. Usually about every two days I make a green smoothie and everyday I will make sure to eat a salad with dark leafy greens.  Dark leafy greens are full of a ton of vitamins that help the body speed up the detoxification process.

If you have not had the chance yet to read my  Intro to Detoxification you can do so here.

Below I show you one of my green smoothie recipes. I call this one my sunset passion, because it contains peaches, almost the color of the sun and red strawberries which invokes passion to me.  It contains Ice,  water, kefir,  honey, spinach and my handy dandy amazing super grass supplements. I just take about four of them and open up the gel case and pour the ingredients into the smoothie machine.

I usually buy the supplements from whole foods, but you can also get them on amazon.

Green Smoothies

The first thing that I do is assemble all the ingredients together as you can see in photo above. About a cup n half of spinach, 1 bag of organic frozen peaches (semi – thawed).  1 cup of ice, 1 cup of water because  I like my smoothies sort of creamy and not as thick. 4 Amazing green grass supplements and honey. Just about 1 tablespoon or two depending on your taste buds.

You have to make sure it is pure Un-refined honey, that is not heated or pasteurized. Because you will be missing out on valuable vitamins if it is. Honey is considered a miracle sweetness because of all the antioxidants it contains and the healing properties it as able to produce.

I place everything in the container together.


Then the last step is just to blend, I sometimes add about a half cup of kefir which is a natural milk probiotic for extra creaminess but you can also add coconut milk, water, raw milk whatever fits your taste.

Then “Wa, La you have a simple easy tasty green smoothie.  You can drink smoothies twice a day with salads for a couple of days and you are already on a natural detox diet. That is filling and does not taste bad at all.

There you go.

Once smooth  you are all done and ready to enjoy your tasty, healthy green smoothie. You could also make a pineapple and banana one with the spinach and amazing green grass. Absolutely delicious!

This is one smoothie that is kid tested, mother approved. My kids love it.

I’m sure you will enjoy it.

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