Home | Amazing Salad Recipes : Which are Hearty and Inexpensive!

Amazing Salad Recipes : Which are Hearty and Inexpensive!

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I like to try new recipes out here and there all the time. It helps to keep me from getting bored when I eat food. As a mom of four growing boys and a healthy husband who is on a whole health kick these past couple of weeks. It helps to have new ideas that you can use to incorporate into your afternoon meal and dinner plans.

Ryan my husband has lost a total of 20 pounds in less than 2 1/2 weeks and it all comes from eating clean and working out on a regular basis. But it can get tempting to eat junk if you don’t allow yourself to jazz up your eating plans a bit.

I’m a die-hard foodie and hate, hate sticking to or eating the same thing over and over again. Now with the kids, we have our staples like the regulars for any family. But I want my kids to have balanced ideas of all sorts of foods when they get older and love fruits and vegetables. That is why on their plates I have more veggies and healthy carbs than anything else with a nice size portion of protein for them to eat. My family eats meat, and I am not vegetarian although we do eat vegan meals from time to time at least once a week.

I believe that healthy fats that come from good fats like coconut oil and olive oil are great for children and adults. Coconut oil has many healing properties for hair and body and olive oil has tons of its own like reducing cancer, preventing heart attacks, and lowering blood sugar. So just by changing small things in your diet like adding olive oil to your salad dressing and making them your selves for scratch can go a long way.

I will discuss the other benefits of Coconut Oil in another post -stay tuned for that.





Here is one great Olive Oil Recipe that you can use to make right away for your family that I am sure you will love!

Olive Parmesan Salad


1 large bulb fennel, core and stems removed, fronds reserved

3 navel oranges, peeled

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons minced shallots

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 cups baby spinach, stems removed, rinsed well, and patted dry

20 oil-cured black olives

2 ounces Parmesan, thinly shaved with a vegetable peeler


Remove the core and stems from the fennel bulb. Keep fronds. Cut fennel into halves and slice. Next, slice oranges over a cup or bowl to preserve the juice. Using the bowl with the orange juice, add shallots, oil, salt, and pepper and whisk together. Add in orange segments, spinach, and fennel, tossing to coat well. Divide salad and top with olives, cheese, and fennel fronds. Serve immediately.

Garden Greens and Bacon Salad


2 tsp. grated yellow onion

1 tsp. sea salt

½ tsp. freshly ground pepper

2 Tbsp. Dijon mustard

½ C. extra virgin oil

½ tsp. freshly ground lemon juice

10 oz. spinach or greens of choice

6 slices nitrite-free natural bacon, cut crosswise into ½-inch strips

6 to 8 button mushrooms, sliced

½ red onion, thinly sliced

3 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and chopped


Combine the yellow onion, salt, pepper, mustard, and vinegar in a food processor or blender. Process the items for 1 to 2 minutes until smooth. With the motor running slowly, add the oil to create an emulsion. Pour the dressing into a small bowl and stir in the lemon juice. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside. To prepare the salad immerse the spinach in a large amount of water, swish the leaves to rinse well, and drain. Repeat until no grit or dirt is visible in the bottom of the sink. Pick off any large parts or stems and tear them into bite-size pieces. Dry in a lettuce spinner and transfer to a large salad bowl. Place in refrigerator and cover with a paper towel until time to serve.

20 minutes before serving in a small saucepan over medium heat, sauté the bacon for 5 to 6 minutes, until crisp. Remove the spinach from the refrigerator, add the mushrooms, onions, and eggs to the bowl, and toss again. Remove the bacon, drain the grease and add to the salad, tossing well. Serve immediately.


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