Home | Bright Young Things – Finding Hidden Gems

Bright Young Things – Finding Hidden Gems

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I wanted to share with you guys some really cool Eco fashion that is really changing the way that company’s and people are thinking about how to shop and when to shop. Bright young things is a new company created by Eliza Starbucks. In a hope to change the way that we as a society shop for our clothing and how we dress.

We live in a world where there is so much stuff, so much everything and with so much recession going on at the moment.  Many are without jobs and looking for different ways to stay fresh and reuse things that they already have. Eliza Starbucks comes in and fills that need by letting us know that we can still look fly by using thing we already have, by shopping at thrift stores and resale shops instead of letting things go to waste. With just a little bit of creativity and some fore thought on sustainability we would be able to conserve not only our things but help the environment at the same time.

Green Fashion is becoming more mainstream with many people wanting a way to save our planet,  fashion is one of the first things that we need to think about. Because we have to have clothes to wear and we all want to look nice. But not everyone can afford high fashion or even afford to shop  all time. That is where Eliza comes in .

She states that Sustainable fashion uses what already exists: Recycled clothing from secondhand stores, vintage collections, or nabbed gems from your mother’s closet. This kind of DIY-treasure hunting isn’t exactly helping to boost our economy, but it is birthing a new fashion scene. ~ youngbrightthings

Eliza Starbucks Is truly one of those ones that is changing things when it comes to fashion by making items out of sustainable fabric, but by re-using what we already have and re-creating it into something new and helping us re-find hidden gems in our own local neighborhood!

Truly helping us re-think how we shop!

Check out this video of one of her fashion Shows at the Recent Nolca Fashion Show! Nolca is a company that presents fashion shows from independent designers, green fashion and those around the world.

Here is another video showing a couple more new collections at Nolcha Fashion Week.

Featuring Vella Mode! – Awesome Custom jewelry that is very Sustainable.

Adha Zelma Jewelry – Featuring A new way to Do Fashion!

photo courtesy adhazelma

Truly these are some awesome hidden Gems!

P.S. What do you think of Eco Fashion and the whole idea of it all, I would love to hear your thoughts.

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