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Amys Organic Soup: Pretty Good!

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OK,  I decided last night that I need to lose a little weight, not a lot. Just a little to get back into some clothes that I am not able to fit anymore. The clothes that I have are nice and I really want to continue wearing them again. So this morning I woke up early and was able to fit in a small dance workout online. Dancing to me is fun, and that is the one thing I continue to stick to when it comes to losing weight and working out.

I ended eating fruit for breakfast this morning with some chicken for my protein. Than after around the mid afternoon I wanted something light and decided to try out Amy’s Organic Vegetable soup for a light lunch before dinner later on tonight. Nothing to heavy was what I was going for. Which would not give me a ton of carbs either.

To my surprise this Amy’s Organic Chunky Vegetable canned soup was really, quick and easy to make on the stove top! Very tasty I might add. I don’t really count calories since I don’t believe in them. 😉 But if you do, it has only 60 calories. Not even 4 grams of sugar, 13 carbs. It was a little high on the sodium side, yet it was a quick meal and something I will not eat every single day.

However, it a good option to a quick soup that come out the pantry when you want good ingredients that are all organic and you don’t have to slave over the stove. In just about 5 min It was ready to eat. Boom, done!

There are no trans fat, MSG, OR Preservatives, No GMO’S and its Gluten Free! Which is plus around here. I ended up buying more of these for my son, who likes to eat soup in a pinch.


Post by I’m A Natural Chick.





Some of the ingredients are:


  • Filtered Water
  • Organic Tomatoes
  • Organic Spinach
  • Organic Corn
  • Organic Carrots
  • Organic Peas
  • Organic Onions
  • Organic Celery
  • Organic sea salt
  • Organic Black pepper


Good Stuff! If you want to try out Amy’s Organic soup  online HERE. 


Have you ever tried out any of Amy’s Organic Food? I would love to know! 😉


P.S.  My Son love their Ravioli!!





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