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A Little Bit of This – A little Bit of that.

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Source: marcusdesigninc.blogspot.com via Kecia on Pinterest


This week I had the pleasure of reading a couple of great articles around the web, the first one being The article Americans are Less Green This Earth Day by Modern Hippie Mag. I found it particularly interesting that according to the The Green Attitude Polls and the New Harris Polls that humans are less green this year, than previous years. The poll also gives the implication that many Americans are going green only for the benefit of helping themselves financially. Hmm…….. Something to think about.

Keeper of the home gives some great advice on the Dangers of Aluminum and why you should remove them from your home. I had no clue that aluminum foil is something you should not use when you cook. What an eye-opener.

I also read How to Eat Local Without Ten Extra Stops, by Kelly the Kitchen Top because although I consider myself good at eating real food. I need to practice and learn how to cut down my time finding real food. Good Stuff.

We’ll those are some of the many that I had a chance to read and enjoy this week. What did you enjoy reading this week?


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