Home | Afterglow Cosmetics: All Natural Makeup!

Afterglow Cosmetics: All Natural Makeup!

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Nature is the newest trend in skin and hair care. For years, we’ve been putting toxic chemicals into our bodies that build up and make us feel tired and sick, regardless of whether we eat them or if they seep though our pores. And people are finally catching on that natural is better.

I have always had skin problems that came from my childhood and the doctors think that it might have been because of some genetic issue or something, however I feel that my environment played a huge part and now it still does from everything that I eat to everything that I put on or inside my body.

I am very, very, very sensitive and very intuitive to. So I always wondered if the two or correlated some how,  but those are just my thoughts.

Even the smallest things like some ice cream depending on what it is made of could cause me to have acne. I don’t have serious problems with it since it comes and goes. But the problem though is that it will show when my body is under stress it all comes out in my face.

You should read my post here on why I feel that Parebens are not that great for you.Click here to read it here!

One great all natural mineral based organic makeup company is After Glow Cosmetics which is a all natural and certified makeup company.

I am eager to try out their many natural products, plus I am just plain curious to see what they are working with………….

Afterglow has many products on in their organic makeup line from natural foundation, to mineral makeup and even all natural mascaras.

If you are wondering where you can buy afterglow cosmetics than look no further, they have sell their products through amazon too. With fast and easy shipping if you have amazon prime.


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