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Get Fit: Take the Go Green – Get Fit Challenge

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The Summer has already began, and I have been hitting the beach with the family. Soaking up the sun and enjoying the time in the water. I’m not that great at swimming  I do plan to get better at that really soon.

However, when it comes down to hanging out at the beach or at any event that requires you to show a little skin. You want to be in shape right? Well I do. I work out all the time, but lately I have just been bored with my routines, it seems to be the same oh, same oh. The other part is that with the kids home now indefinitely. I am forced to get creative and find new ways to incorporate fitness into my daily schedule.

That is why when I heard about the Green Fitness Challenge I was all over it. I love new challenges and they always seem to get me revved up again. When you have four small boys and lots to do, it can be hard to get motivated to work out.

The go green fitness challenge was started by Planetshoes.com and hosted by 30 well respected green bloggers to bring awareness to natural living and fitness. The main goal is to motivate and inspire many to get their booty up and work out.

One important reason for me doing this is because according to the U.S. Center of Disease Control 50% of women 20 years or older  are obese and more than half of these women are of  the minority such as blacks and  Hispanics. What a reality check ! This epidemic is something serious and deserves the attention that it is getting now. I know how important it is to fight of obesity, because it touches home with me since my own mom struggles with her weight and adult onset diabetes.  I encourage her all the time to be as healthy as she can because if she lost a certain amount of weight her diabetes would go away.

The go green fitness challenge would be  a boost for  her and I  to help her  become healthy.

So how do I Plan to combat the issue and take the next step. With my goal of staying( I say staying because I am already active, but I have become dormant in my activities) physically active and in shape.  We’ll over the next couple of weeks I will be posting my progress and the little steps I take to get up and moving.

Some of the tools that I will be using will be pretty simple, such as fitness DVDs , dumbbells I already have, my Fitness Ball and Treadmill. I do have a membership to a dance studio to get some extra cardio , so I will be trying to incorporate all that into my routine.

The main thing that I will be using starting with week one is using my membership to Trainwithmeonline. This site has a ton of videos, print outs and workout routines that you can do from the comfort of your own home or at the gym. With out the assistance of a personal trainer. This community gives results!

You can join for free or you could sign up for about $5.00 a month to use the whole thing, it surely worth it.

So for week one:

  • I will be using Trainwithmeonline.com
  • Dvd’s – Dance with Julianne – I just bought this one so I will let you know If I like it or not.

What will you be doing to get in shape and get your booty moving? I would love to know.










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