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I Can’t Fit My Clothes Anymore!

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So lately, I have really been on this kick to get myself into shape all from my home, and lose some pounds that I’ve gained. I mean I really did not  know I gained some weight, until I got on the scale at the grocery store and it really put things into perspective for me.

It took my son to scream out  loud in front of everyone and tell me my weight . Out loud in the grocery store before I even had a chance to glance at the number. I had gained almost 10 pounds in a period of three months without even blinking an eye. I admit I really like to eat and sometimes I might just eat too much of something even though its good for me. All the while snacking late at night with a heavy sweet-tooth that does not help me either. Since I tend to go for chocolate and ice-cream.

However, It isn’t  funny anymore when all my clothes that fit my lower body barely  go pass my outer thigh. I have clothes that I paid a good amount of money for and look great on me and I really don’t want to give them away or just buy new stuff.  Just because some clothes don’t fit me anymore. When I have some really good items at my disposal!

My hubby has always been into working out over the past 15 years off and on, and I for the most part have never gone this long in my life. Where I have not been as physically active or just in a rut for so long. Maintaining  a healthy weight is really important to me because my mom instilled that in me a young age and I want my kids to have the same example.

A photo posted by @imanaturalchick on

According to my BMI Calculator it says that my Composition is in the Healthy range, and I agree. However, it does show that I am really close to the overweight range for my height and weight and age. My body could use some toning and conditioning. I also need to re-build my endurance back up since I have not been physically active, Trust me. The first day I started working out , I couldn’t even get through the whole thing and the rest of the day or week shall I say.

It felt as if my knees were giving out on me and doing a thing of their own. Lol! 🙂

I have a couple of goals that is to get down to my optimal weight, lose some inches and gain muscle mass. I really love a fit look and I know incorporating some weight training into my fitness routine will build that fast for me.

Some goals I have been doing is making sure I eat the right healthy foods, lots of lean protein, low carb intake(good ones) Healthy fats, and weight training.

My son and I have started making a goal to walk at least twice a week in the evenings, and I have started doing early morning workouts before the kids wake up in the morning. I love working out in morning, that is when I have the most energy and it really does help to burn those fat stores and turn them into energy.

A couple of things I got to work out with are some 8 pound dumbbells from the brand ignite by Spri like the ones you see in the picture. They have a really great grip and don’t have that chemical smell of other cheaper weights. They are really good deluxe rubber dumbbells with stainless steel. I prefer stainless steel. Just my opinion they tend to last longer.  I also got some 2-3 pound ankle weights from Empower and I already have my 10 pound kettle ball for high interval training.

get in shape from home


I am really trying to commit self to getting in shape from the comfort of my home. Without really having to go to the gym all that much.

So investing in small items at home will really pay off in the long run. Plus when you lots of kids like I do. It saves time.

I plan to change up my diet a little bit, but not that much since I already eat pretty healthy,  for example this  past week I combined strawberries with cheese for a nice filling snack midday. Instead of running for the junk food.





So what sort of things are you doing to get in shape from home without having to go to the gym that much.

I would love to know 🙂




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  1. July 9, 2016 / 10:20 pm

    Hi Elizabeth! I think you’re on the right track with the weight training. When I was lifting, I was never in better shape, and I only spent 30 minutes 3-4 times a week lifting.

    On the eating front, have you heard about TrimHealthyMama? You might want to look into it. I love this plan so much I actually started a new blog to document my experience. I lost my postpartum weight easily on the plan and even though I’m at my ideal weight, I keep eating THM-style for the benefits I’ve experienced.

    • Avatar photo July 10, 2016 / 2:12 am

      Thanks for the link Carrie! It looks really cool and I’ll for sure look into it. Would love to see your new site on your progress!

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