Home | My Homemade Cream Of Chicken Recipe

My Homemade Cream Of Chicken Recipe

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Lately, I have been experimenting with trying to get away from anything that comes out of a can. I grew up with a mom who was a great cook, but as anyone knows if you have parents that grew up during the industrial age. When big food corporations were taking shape. You have some experience with being fed sauces out of can. One thing I know she loved to make was baked cream of chicken, which was always delicious and still one of my favorite meals to this day.

I love some cream of chicken over some rice or whipped up with a batch of broccoli and cheese casserole…..Yummy! 😉 😉

When I cook depending on what I’m making, I will usually not measure.

I’ve learned to cook by using my five senses, you know. Taste, Sight, Smell, Touch…etc

Cooking is something that can be changed and altered based on your own personal preferences. So feel free to change up the recipe as you would like and add or remove what you deem necessary.



cream of chicken



1/4 cup of flour

I like my sauces a little thick, so that I’m able to use it as gravy later on if I choose too, depending on what I’m making.  So use less flour if you need too.

1 cup of  Organic whole whipping Cream

2 cups of homemade chicken broth, sometimes I supplement with Bone Broth just to get more minerals for the kids.

4 tablespoons of Butter

1 Tablespoon of olive oil

Pinch or two of Real Organic Sea Salt

Pepper to taste

Simply Organic All Seasons Salt

I like to use Emeril’s Poultry Seasoning, just a dash, though.

2 garlic cloves


I like my sauces a little thick so that I’m able to use it as gravy later on if I choose too, depending on what I’m making.

The first thing is to chop the onions, garlic, while you prepare the other ingredients. You then need to add some olive oil to the pan and sweat the onions and garlic out in the pan on medium to high heat.  Then add the butter to the pan, once melted add some flour based on how thick you want it. Add a little more or a little less. The butter will form in a paste or a roux which gives the sauce a  nice consistency. Some people use cornstarch or arrowroot to thicken their sauces.

I like to use plain organic white flour.

Do not burn the roux.

Once mixed in add your seasonings to it. I like to add my seasonings into the roux, In my head, I think the flavors develop a lot quicker this way. 😉   But you can add the seasonings in after the liquids, its up to you. You can then add the 2 cups of chicken broth or bone broth.  Adjust to taste from here, based on your preferences.

Whisk Briskly!

You can then add the cream a little more salt and pepper, from here just let it simmer a little to let the flavors blend well together. Once done you can store in mason jars in the fridge, or any containers that you would like to use in the future.

I’m on a mission to get away from cans as much as possible, right now I’m about 90% off the can and the other 10 I’m working on it.

So there you go, my Homemade Cream Of Chicken Recipe.  😉





Better Than a Box

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  1. June 12, 2013 / 12:27 am

    I wonder what a good non-dairy substitute would be for the heavy cream. Do you think it’d be good without any milk like ingredient.

    • Avatar photo June 12, 2013 / 1:34 am

      Yes, totally! It would still have the same flavor. The cream just adds a richness to it. It will still thicken up and with or with out the cream. And add flavor to many dishes.

      Try using a non soy based, or gluten based almond milk, or less than a cup of coconut milk. That way you still get the richness and smoothness, with out too much of a coco nutty flavor.

      I hope this helps.

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