Home | Alla Betsy Creation ~Bon Appetit

Alla Betsy Creation ~Bon Appetit

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I had the chance to make a really delicious dish last night, one that was really really good! Sometimes it can be a struggle finding recipes that my whole family enjoys and will eat all together at one time. Trial and error is something that I have come to realize when you have kids. They all have different palates and like to eat different ways, and when you have four small little ones like I do all of different ages. Ranging from 2 – 10 your bound to have picky eaters. However, I always cook to please them, and sometimes I like to please my self by making gourmet meals that are light, tasty and seems as if you have brought the restaurant right into your own home. I love seafood and pasta, that combination has always been my favorite .

So I decided to try out a new creamy seafood dish, that I have been eying for quite some time now, I said what the hell. Tonight’s my night and if they don’t like it than to bad. (just kidding)

The seafood dish is called The Alla Betsey Creation by Ree Drummond  whose sister came up with the dish for a girls night out sort of thing.  Ree’s  Book is called The Pioneer Woman Cooks  – Recipes from an Accidental Country Girland features very mouth watering dishes. That are so easy to make and does not require a lot of effort. Even the novice cook can get this cookbook and begin cooking like a pro. Because the Pioneer Woman lays everything out in visual detail and side by side order telling you what to do step by step.  This is a great starter book for anyone wanting to learn how to cook and a great gift to give a new mom to be at a baby shower.  I have to used this book time and time again and have never been dissapointed yet.

ok, enough about the book.

The recipe that  I choose was Alla Betsey a seafood pasta combination that is to die for, I had no idea that when I would start to eat this pasta dish that it was going to be that good.

A total Shocker, but in a good way.

Here is a picture below of the dish when it was finally completed.

pasta dish


I decided that when I was making the dish I would not switch out the penne pasta for whole wheat pasta but use, Farfalle Pasta which is just as good and does not include all that nasty chemicals and gives a more authentic flavor.

The entire meal only consists of a couple of ingredients and produce you already have in your fridge.


  1. 1 pound of penne pasta
  2. 1 pound of large shrimp, however I used a pound and a half. ( I have a large family)
  3. 2 tablespoons of butter
  4. 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  5. 1 small onion, finely chopped
  6. 2 Garlic cloves chopped
  7. 1/2 cup of dry white wine, cooking white wine is what I used.
  8. one 14.5 ounce can of tomato sauce
  9. 1 cup of heavy cream, organic ( optional) maybe some regular milk for thinning
  10. 2 tablespoons of parsley
  11. 6 basil leaves chopped
  12. salt
  13. pepper

Clean the shrimp and devin, uncooked large shrimp, than in a small non-stick skillet add the 1 tablespoon of butter and the 1 tablespoon of olive oil. When  pan is hot add the shrimp stir and cook until pink. Remove the shrimp to a plate to cool and drain the juice out of the pan.  Chop  the shrimp  into bite size pieces. Next chop the onion and in the same skillet add the remaining butter and olive oil until melted. Add the onion and garlic and cook about 3 minutes until translucent.  Pour in the white wine and reduce until it is almost evaporated.  Pour in the tomato sauce simmer for about a minute, than add the cream on low. Mix well and reduce to simmer.  Finish by adding the shrimp to the pan, add the herbs salt and pepper to taste. Add the cooked pasta,  stir to mix well and fully coated and serve warm.

Remember to cook the pasta first before you do anything to al dente and sit aside while you do every thing else.

I love this dish and the recipes in the Pioneer Woman Cooks Cookbook!

For sure a keeper.


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