Home | When Your Having That Mom Moment …

When Your Having That Mom Moment …

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Today was a long day for me with school starting back this past month. I have been homeschooling two of my kids with two in public school. I also have been working a little more than part-time with my husband at our car lot. Since one of our employees decided to leave. So, I have been forced to pick up the extra slack until we hire someone in the clerical position and get them trained to point of proficiency.

Tired is an understatement….

Running around in a car throughout the week is not how I like to spend most of my time. So when I get home and the other kids still have homework, and dinner needs to be cooked and little mouths are yelling Ma, Ma.

I’m like please, one sec, just give me a minute.

Lol 😉

I don’t have to go in tomorrow so I’m for sure  I’ll have a better day tomorrow.





I’m sure most mom’s have this moment at least once a week.





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