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You Got This!

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Okay, so I was sitting here and thinking about life, thinking about  friends,and just thinking about life in general. I just wanted to take some time and just reflect on how us as moms always seem to pull through. Its as if we are a built of stone or something and never breakdown.

Sometimes I wonder why I was made so strong, to go through as many things as I have gone through in my life. Why am I like a jewel in the Ruff still in need of a little bit of molding, that seems to change and and change and never can seem to get to the point where I want to be. Why am I so patient, why am I so loving, why am I secure yet still insecure. Why am tall than yet still feel small, why am all theses things and yet cannot still master that one thing.

Yet, I’m here and at this very moment that’s all I can be. A mother, a friend,  a lover, a nurturer, caretaker, teacher and all that need be.


Than when I saw this video I thought it was so cute, to showcase that we as women deal with things, all different things yet we got this! On a emotional level, spiritual level, physical level. You know what we got this.


So when ever you feel like you need someone to talk to and that the world is lying on your shoulder. Remember just one thing. YouGotthis!



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