Home | I Decided To Become A Site Plumber.

I Decided To Become A Site Plumber.

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From the title of the post you may be wondering what crazy exciting things are happening in my life. Well none at the moment, I just decided that after much thought I need to re-brand myself. Essentially I needed to plumb out some of the kinks in my site. I started off this site as Kinkyhairchick with the hope of spreading natural and healthful information to my readers.

However, I feel that the domain name that I chose for myself in the beginning is actually confusing my followers more so than I thought It would. Because when people come to my site they think it is only about hair when that is what it is least about.

I blog about natural living, natural health, organic beauty products and natural mothering along with showing my natural hair journey.

I am so sorry if I have confused any up until now.

That is why I have changed my domain name to “I’m a Natural Chick” in hopes of taking the confusion out of the matter.

I love the Kinkyhairchick name and still keeping the same domain name just not using it for this site. The site now is in the process of being moved over to the new domain name with a new header. So not much is really changing just the domain name and a couple of features.

So I hope that you will embrace the new changes and come with on my journey on Natural Living the Natural Chick way.

I am going to keep the Kinkyhairchick facebook page for those that want updates on my hair progress only. I will still keep the same twitter stream But I have created a new twitter feed for the re-branding. And will send out the new links by email and social messaging for you to re-connect with me there. Or you can just do so by clicking here. The New Facebook page is also in the works.

So until than I hope that this clears up some of the confusion and I will not be making any new posts until after the first week of May when the re-branding is complete.



Thanks for Understanding,

Luv you guys:)

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