Home | How To Detox Your Body Naturally: Part Two

How To Detox Your Body Naturally: Part Two

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In Part one we discussed a brief overview of detoxing and how I am embarking on a three to four day detox to cleanse my body of all the crap I have eaten these past few weeks. However let’s get into a little more about detoxing and why it could be something you might want to do. Not just once a year but maybe depending on your health a couple times a year.

Detoxing and detox diets are all the rave when it comes to celebrities who want to lose weight really fast, for example beyonce lost a ton weight when she took on the role for dream girls years back. However I don’t think anyone should detox to lose a ton of weight. I feel that you should detox for normal cleansing reasons. Than you would naturally lose weight that should not be there at all.

Not forcefully.

Detoxing offers many more benefits than just losing weight.

Detoxing is the process of eliminating toxins from your body. Your body detoxes naturally in many ways. For example, when you sweat your body releases toxins from your body in the form of liquid. When you urinate your body releases toxins from your body and even through your stools. It is the body’s natural way of getting rid of all that junk.

You ever wonder where all that junk gets stored if it is not released through your body. We’ll for one most toxins are stored in your fat cells, muscles, blood and even your organs. It makes you wonder why people are walking around so sick and why there is so much disease rampant.

Many of these toxins enter your body from every day exposure to chemicals. For example, car exhaust is inhaled. Second hand smoke is a toxin. You also ingest pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers and other chemicals when you eat. If you drink alcohol then you want to help get toxins out of your body. And if you eat junk food or processed food then you also consume chemicals in the form of artificial sweeteners, preservatives and flavorings and colorings.

But the big question you may wondering is How Exactly Does Detoxing Work?

We’ll I’m no guru when it comes to this and advise that you get the guidance of an your health care provider before you do anything.

I’m going through this along with you and I only do things that feel natural  for my body and you should to.

Now a detox diet is a plan to help you get rid of toxins out of your body in an accelerated manner. Most basic detox diets work by eliminating any chemicals from being consumed. For example, you might drink only organic juices for five days. This gets all of the toxins out of your body and doesn’t add any into your body. If you add sweating, massage and salt baths to the process then you detoxify even faster.

However, I don’t do all that.

I like to keep it simple.

The best times to know when you might want to detox is when you are feeling run down and sluggish for an extended period of time. When you might want to get a kick start to cleanse your body and start losing weight. Or you just want to restore your health.

As with anything there can be side effects to anything health wise you do.

Detoxing isn’t for everyone and it’s not without risks. You will likely experience a few withdrawal symptoms if you are on a detox diet. This is because your body is used to sugars and other chemicals. When you stop eating them, your body will need time to adjust. You might experience headaches, a bit of insomnia and some stomach distress. These side effects pass quickly. Once you’ve made it through the withdrawal symptoms you’ll feel great. You’ll likely have more energy. Your complexion may improve and your digestion and mental clarity will improve too.

I always notice a drastic improvement in my skin and less headaches every time I avoid sugars and white flour.

But like before talk to your doctor, take your time and listen to your body.

Your health is important. Detoxing can improve it. Detox carefully.

Stay Tuned For Part Three:  What You Should Expect When You Start Detoxing.

If you missed Part One, you can find it here. How to Detox Your Body Naturally.

Want to get a head start and learn more than you check out Purify Your Body: Natural Remedies for Detoxing from 50 Everyday Situations

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