Our 2015 Back To School Supplies!

If you're new here, you may want to follow me here on You Tube. Thanks for visiting! So the new year is starting and this year none of my kids will be homeschooled, but will going to the school about 2 blocks down from my house. The school is really lovely and is ranked in the top 10 schools in the state of florida. They offer a lot of support and enrichment activities that my kids have been enjoying. To add to the fact they are getting rid of the… View Post

Three Ingredient Smoothies – That You will Love!

We all know that green smoothies are good for you in all shapes and forms, but sometimes just the prep work involved that comes with buying the veggies, cleaning them, and juicing them can take a little bit of time. Especially for the novice. Green juices and smoothies mixed with vegetables and coconut milk, aloe water to name a few are great for detoxing the body from the inside out. I personally love my green-filled juices and smoothies! Even more so with quick and easy smoothies that can be made… View Post

Zoya – One Of My Favorite Natural Nail Polish Colors!

So summer is here and that is the time to play around with different Zoya nail polish colors to see which one floats your boat, right! I'm a purple person and it has always been one of those colors I always seem to navigate towards to the easiest. Not to mention the fact that it looks great against my dark skin tone. I started using Zoya All natural Nail polishes about a couple years back when I was going to the spa and getting regular facial and micro-dermabrasion for my… View Post

All Natural Deodorant’s That Work!

    So you know its the summer months and the kids are all out of school and your running around trying to keep everything in order and the kids busy doing something. In order that you could have some down time for yourself toward the end of the night. Well that is exactly how I have been this past summer, running around like a chicken with my head cut off except for the fact that I sweat right along with it. Now, I don't mean just sweat like some… View Post

23andMe and Ancestry – Home DNA Test Kit!

      So, yes I ended up succumbing to the urge to get some DNA tests done. With all the DNA reviews on youtube and tons of little weird information, you could find out about yourself. I had to give in and buy two not just one home DNA Kit. Yes, when it comes to the whole DNA thing, I'm not that big on,  oh, I'm part this or I'm part that. Since I truly believe that we all come from one man and one woman and that it's… View Post