Simple Natural Black Hair Styles – Invoking Passion!

If you're new here, you may want to follow me here on You Tube. Thanks for visiting!You know sometimes when the going gets tough the tough gets going, that is how some people feel when it comes to dealing with certain situations. However that situation when it comes to hair can cause many to give up easy and not stick through the full course of growing their hair out in its natural state. I admit for  many years off and on I did the same thing, and when you are… View Post

Motivations For Getting In Shape: Part Two

In part one of motivations to get in shape we discussed some of the root issues around trying to lose weight and why many fail. I urge you to look with in yourself first to see if you are really ready to get healthy because trust me if you are not ready if wont work. Look around your self externally to see if the circumstances around you are causing you to have stress which can lead to many bad habits like not working out and poor eating habits. What I… View Post

Motivation For Getting In Shape: Part One

You know there are a lot of ways to get healthy and being a mom of four and able to keep a decent figure. I think I tend to know a little bit about what it takes to stay fit and get in shape in the quickest amount of time. However what gets me is that many people are always about the quick fix and the shortest way possible it takes to lose weight, but don’t think about what it takes to keep it off. Almost 10 years ago, I… View Post

What’s Really Good about Your 4b Hair?

      If you have 4b – 4c Hair texture and wondering If going natural is right you. I am sure you have come across your own internal questions wondering what is really good about having a 4b, 4c hair texture. When you see so many others with a looser curl patterns that seem to do a lot more with their hair and that has you asking well what really can I do with my own. I knew that when I was younger the flowing hair in the wind… View Post

Going Natural – Everything I Hoped For And More

You know I was thinking, about natural hair and things and the beauty that goes surrounds natural African American hair, kinky hair, textured hair and curly hair. How over the past decade a new movement has come about of new women wanting to showcase what god them and the true beauty that is them.     I have been natural on and off since high school, more natural than relaxed but I have always worn my hair in its braided state or w/ something to cover it up and never in… View Post