Pastry shoes by Vanessa and Angela Simmons

If you're new here, you may want to follow me here on You Tube. Thanks for visiting!As we all know the daughters of rap mogul Ron from Ron's house, has been living it up big in the music world for quite some time now, over a couple of decades. Now he has a wonderful family and his two daughters are stretching their wings and doing it big with their line of kicks called Pastry Shoes. Pastry shoes by Vanessa and Angela Simmons have their own appeal of childish charm with… View Post

Paraben Free beauty Products – What You Don’t Know

There are many chemical ingredients to avoid in skincare products, Many women today use a wide range of skincare products. These products might include cleansers, moisturizers, toners, and shampoos and they might be used several times a day throughout most of their adult life. Women have come to rely on these products and spending on them has reached unbelievable levels. But do most women ever take the time to read the ingredients listings on these beauty products? Do they know what they are using and if they might be putting… View Post

Hair Story – Untangling the Roots Of Black Hair In America

I had the chance to read Hair Story the History Of Black Hair in America, this past month or so.  And boy let me tell you what a book. If you are really wanting to know why we as black women and men think or have thought about our hair the way that we do then you  need to read this book.  This book is full of information about the history of African American hair starting in Africa, than on to the slave trade and the downhill transgression of  the… View Post

Do you Know Who You Are?

I ran across this video a while back and still down to this day it continues to run through my head, and since I am starting this blog to bring to light, the true beauty that is within each and everyone on of us.  Coming from a  town that I grew up in at the time my neighborhood was mostly white, my friends were all of another race and now my husband and that of my family is mostly mixed race. Although I do not look it, we all have… View Post

Getting In Shape Goals

As you may or not know yet,  I had planned on this month getting into high swing with the body boot camp challenge.  I even made a video on it on all that I planned to do. Well life happened and I ended up having a aunt that passed away a family friend and two cousins with two weeks of each other. So that Sort of slowed things down a bit, and I had to get my thought processes together. Well I did that,  and now I am ready to… View Post