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Yiva Daily Balance and Giveaway!

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Over the past couple of months I was given the chance to try out a Daily Hormonal Product from a company called Yiva! As you know from my previous posts on my past issues with with the monthly monster that all us women seem to get on clockwork. The little demon will never go away, and this point in my life, I’m afraid I’m too young for that.

I agreed to give Yiva a try!

If you have not heard of Yiva, they are a company that offer alternative solutions to traditional medicine. I’m big on non-traditional medicine in fact I try to only treat my kids with homeopathic remedies most of the time unless something truly serious has to be addressed.

yiva 23


Yiva’s products are 100% natural and safe, in fact, two of their most popular products are the Yiva Daily Balance and the Yiva Fertility Boost. The Daily Balance is the one that I have been using over the past month, and I have to say it’s actually not that bad. The Daily balance claims to help alleviate menstrual cramps within weeks after using the product. One thing I can say is that it does help, I am not sure if helped me to the whole 100% because I was also taking them along with other things.

However, I do like the product and love the taste of it. The directions tell you to place about 10-20 drops under your tongue and let it dissolve by itself.

It does have a pepper-minty taste and right away I always feel uplifted by it!

Although I think that is due to the peppermint taste.

Some of the ingredients in the Yiva Daily Balance include:

• Propriety blend of herbs

• Purified water

• Agave nectar

• Chaste berry

• Rubus Ideaus


Yiva also has products to help alleviate allergies! So if you deal with allergies that have a large variety that you could choose from.

During this season if you are allergic prone you might want to look up more information on their site.

They do offer a 45-day money-back guarantee!


Yiva is also giving one of the Daily Balance away to one lucky reader!


Update: Giveaway has ended!

Yiva Naturals Women's Daily Balance




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  1. Danielle
    January 17, 2014 / 7:04 pm

    This seems like a great product , I’d like to look into the allergy products, my kids allergies ars so bad, they take claritin and fluconazle all the time and I hate that they’re on medication like that:/

  2. Ashley C
    January 20, 2014 / 2:02 am

    I get frequent migraines I hate resorting to taking meds! This sounds like a great thing to try out


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