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The Tale of Two Fish and Dizziness

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I have to post this pic of my hubby and his friend Joey. They ended catching a humongous fish the both of them out on the lake the other day.  Not to much has been going on here besides for the fact, that I have been suffering from dizzy spells and some  lightheaded feelings to the point that I had to go to the doctor today.  I almost fainted on  Monday when I was out and about with kids at a home school enrichment center.  It really has been hindering me from doing a lot of things, even staring at the computer screen makes me dizzy sometimes. 😉

Anyhow, I go to get blood work completed in the morning, although I figure it has something to do with my anemia.  I’ll let you know how it all goes.  In the meantime, checkout this huge fish.

Too Cute! 😉


two fish


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  1. Carrie
    July 20, 2013 / 7:31 pm

    Uh-oh, let us know what’s going on. My husband was having some dizziness at work, so I sent some salty pretzels with him and that helped. His sodium levels were getting too low from sweating so much. I hope it’s something as simple for you and nothing serious. That’s an awesome pic!

    • Avatar photo July 21, 2013 / 2:42 am

      Hey, Carrie!! Thanks for stopping over. I know, I went to get the blood work done and will hear back from my doctor next week. It really is a scary thing, I have never felt this way in my life. I hope it is something simple though.

      I’ll let you know.

      I’ll try out those pretzels in the early morning when I mostly seem to experience it.

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