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Your Teeth Can Heal Naturally!

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Remember the last time I told you about how I was trying out oil pulling to deal with some teeth Issues I was having. In learning to heal your teeth naturally is pretty cool. Well the oil pulling has been going very well. In fact I was very impressed with the results I have been having with just oil pulling alone. The main oil that I use is coconut oil, early in the morning and at night. Coconut oil is known to have anti bacterial and anti- viral Factors when it comes to fighting infection and killing off germs.

In Fact, it has proven to be something very beneficial in my daily routine.


Well coconut oil is not the only oil that I have been using, I also have used a oil pulling formulation which I purchased from whole foods  for more than 6 months now. It contains a mixture of sesame oil, myrrh and other goodies.)  The one I like to use is this one.


So that is why when I heard that Oral Wellness is hosting a seminar on how you can heal your teeth naturally. I was one of the first ones to join.  Having seen firsthand how using natural methods like oil pulling can help stall and even help with the curing of teeth issues. Oil pulling is not the only thing that you can do to help with your own oral wellness. In fact there are many things that you could do which include making sure you are getting plenty of vitamin, D, K, and E, into your diet.

Did you know that vitamin K2 is one of the hardest vitamins to attain and without it, it is hard for the human body to process calcium and vitamin D.

Thorne Research – Vitamin K2 Liquid (1 mg/drop) – 30 mlOrtho Molecular – Liquid Vitamin D3 with K2 – 1 OZ LiquidNOW Foods Vitamin D3 5000 Iu, 120-Softgels


Yes, that is why I am glad to share with you the Oral Wellness Summit. Which Will cover all these topics and than some.

Here is just a snippet of what the Oral Summit will cover.

Day 1

 Dr Mark Breiner – author of Whole Body Dentistry –

Creating Positive Changes in Your Health Through Dentistry


Ramiel Nagel – Author of Cure Tooth Decay –

The Role of Food in Healing Tooth Decay


Dr Blanche Grube – owner of Centers for Healing and BioComp Labs –

Dentistry in the 21st Century: Non-Toxic Treatment of the Whole Person


Day 2

Dr David Kennedy – Author of How to Save Your Teeth and

creator of Smoking Teeth – The Truth about Fluoride


Sarah Pope – The Healthy Home Economist – Practical, Real World

Advice for Using Diet to Heal Cavities in Children and Adults


Dr Bruce Fife – Author of Oil Pulling Therapy – Benefits of

Oil Pulling for Greater Oral Health and Whole Being Wellness


 Day 3

Dr Robert Gammal – creator of the movies Rooted! and Quecksilber –

Dangers of Root Canals, Solutions if you Have One,

and How to Avoid Root Canals Altogether!


Dr. Sherrill Sellman – author of What Women Must Know and

Hormone Heresy – Hormones and Oral Health: What you must know…


Dr Victor Zeines – author of Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body and

Your Tongue Never Lies – A Healthy Mouth Equals a Healthy Body

and Your Tongue Never Lies


Day 4

 Dr. David Getoff – nutritionist and traditional naturopath –

The Role of Detoxification in Creating Greater Oral

(and Whole Being) Health


Dr David Kennedy – author of How to Save Your Teeth & Smoking Teeth –

Fluoride Solutions: Tips and Techniques to Live a Fluoride Free Life,

including How to Raise Cavity Free Kids!


Katie Spears – Wellness Mama –

My Experience with Supporting Oral Health from the Inside Out


Day 5

Akira Sato – dentist at the Yayama holistic clinic in Japan –

Man Can Be Cured


Pam Killeen – author of Addiction: the Hidden Epidemic –

The Role of Copper and Adrenal Function in Supporting Oral Health


Dr Ray Behm – owner of Natural Dentistry –

Confessions of a Biological Dentist


Day 6

Dr Paul Rubin – Cofounder of New Directions Dentistry –

Is Your Dentist Mercury Safe?, safe protocols for mercury removal


Dr Cate Shanahan – author of Deep Nutrition and Food Rules –

Walking on Both Sides: How to Eat to Support Greater Oral Health &

What Each of Us Can Do in the Mouth to Create Positive Change


Dr Mike Godfrey – semi retired medical doctor –

Doctors Are Not Taught to Look at Teeth: the connection between

cancer, particularly breast cancer and oral health


Day 7

Dr Julian Holmes – author of Ozone: Revolution in Dentistry –

The Use of Ozone in Dentistry

Gray Graham – author of Pottenger’s Prophecy –

Price, Pottenger and Epigenetics… This is Good News!


Dr Hal Huggins – ‘Yoda’ of biological dentistry, author of

several books on the subject – A view from above:









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