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If You Love It, It Will Grow : A Guide to Growing Long Afro- Texured Hair!

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How To Grow Kinky Hair Fast

Yes, Indeed.

If you love it, it will grow!

I recently had the chance to read Dr. Phoenyx Austin’s Book “If You Love It, It Will Grow” A guide to Growing Long afro-textured hair.

Now there are many books out there such as Ultra Black Hair Growth and Chicoros “How to Grow Afro- Textured hair. All of these books are great in their own way and I own every single one of them. However, the one I will have to say hands down is my favorite is Dr. Phoenyx’s If you love it will grow.

This one small compact book is just the right book for those of us with kinky, kinky…., textured hair. It can be so hard to find someone with almost the exact same hair texture as myself., Tightly coiled and no curls nowhere to be found. So when I saw this book, I was stoked! It was just what I had been searching for; a great reference book full of tips and information on natural hair care for us, textured hair girls.

The format of the book is really simple and straightforward, making it easy to digest and apply the methods right away. It does not feel overwhelming, in fact, it was a pleasure to read and I almost finished reading the book, the same day I got it!

That’s how delightful it was to read the book.

In the beginning, Dr. Phoenyx tells her personal back story on her own issues with the creamy crack, hair breakage, and the psychological drama that she experienced from growing up with a relaxer from a young age.


She gives detailed accounts of the experiences she had to overcome and learning to love herself and her hair.

” This book is about growing hair to longer lengths, but is also about a deeper message; a message of self love and self acceptance. For many women, hair is not just hair. There is a great interconnectedness between how women feel about their hair and how they feel about themselves. ” ~ Dr. Phoenyx Austin


Yes, this book is one that will help you to realize that loving your hair is also about loving yourself in all areas of your life. From choosing the right foods to eat to make sure you work out and scheduling time to love and nurture your hair.

I love how in Chapter 2 Dr. Phoenyx lets you know, as it says in the bible that love is Nurturing, Love is kind, and Love is patient. It protects and shields from harm. She questions you to question yourself whether or not you love your hair. If you read this book you will see why she does this and how eye-opening it will be for you as you read the rest of the book.

Yes, this book is bomb.com!

The Rest of the book is laid out in the format of informing you on the skills, techniques, whys, and hows of natural textured hair care.


• Chapter 1 – My Hair Story

• Chapter 2 – What Does ” If you Love it, It will Grow Really Mean?

• Chapter 3- Basics Of Hair Growth

• Chapter 4 -Basics of Hair Damage

• Chapter 5-Lifestyle Principles for healthy Hair Growth

• Chapter 6- Nutrition and Hair Growth

• Chapter 7- Categorizing Hair Products

• Chapter 8-Natural Emollients

• Chapter 9 – How to Choose Commercial Products


If you love it will grow is one book that is keeper, in my bookshelf and I refer to it time and time again for tips. For example, she has a whole section on Ayurvedic hair care, that I am reviewing right now to freshen up on my skills for using cassia and henna on my hair.

Even if you are no mixtress, know nothing about chemistry or biology. This book is so simple and straightforward that you will feel like a pro on textured hair care once you finish reading this book.

Great book, I can’t say enough about it.

If you get one for yourself, get one for a kinky friend it will make a great gift.


Trust me, It will not disappoint…………



P.S. I would love to know your thoughts on it, if you read the book or not.



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