Home | My Summer Reading List.

My Summer Reading List.

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I’ve taken it upon myself to catch up on some of the books that I have bought, but not yet had a chance to read. I love to read and it is one of the many pleasures that bring me joy and peace of mind. Reading is an escape of the mind from the day to day troubles of the world.  When I read, I do not not read many fiction books. So when I do read, I have to make sure they are something that I can learn and benefit from.

Source: google.ca via Emily on Pinterest



Here are some books that I recently found on my one of favorite sites natural moms talk radio. So I decided I needed to get my hand on these books and read them myself.

So my summer reading list consists of the following books on learning, growing and sharing. All to enhance the self and grow as an individual.

The Feminine Mistake: Are we giving up too much? A book about challenging ones thought on whether being a stay at home mom is the right thing to do for your family and your inner self. Controversial……..

The Out Of Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder. This ground breaking book explains SPD and shows a way for parents to cope without using drugs. I currently have a son with SPD, so this will be a informative read.

“The Parents Bible to Sensory Processing Disorder” ~ The New York Times.

All the Money In The World: What the Happiest People Know About Getting and Spending. A book that will truly have you examining how you view money and the role it plays in your life’s. I’m currently reading this one so a book review is coming very soon!!

Bringing Up Be’Be’: The story of how one American Mother discovers the Wisdom Of French Parenting. Learning from other cultures has always intrigued me and applying some of their methods might just help me with guiding my children through life.

The Power Of Habit – Why We Do What We Do In Life and Business: Shows the key to why some succeed and others don’t all based on the habit of their life’s.  The power of habit is one book, I’m uber excited to read! Psychology is one subject that has always caught my interest in fact at one time I thought I was going to be a social Psychologist.  Shocker, I know.


All in all I can’t wait to dig in and learn all the great info from these gems and when I do, you will be the first ones to read the review. For sure!

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  1. June 21, 2012 / 4:30 am

    Hello Elizabeth! I found your blog through the studiopress forum…LOL I am your newest subscriber and follower on facebook. I love you blog and am a transitioning natural hair woman! I wanted to chime in to let you know that I have two of your books on your list and they are on my reading list also. I read the Out of Sync Child a couple of years ago when my 14 year was diagnosed at 3 years old. (Sensory Processing Disorder) It really helped me understand what was going on with him God Bless and I look forward to your posts!

    • LillyAshe
      June 22, 2012 / 11:03 pm

      Thank you so much, for the kind words. Yes, I plan to dive nose first into all these really soon. Looking forward to chatting with you.

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