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Essio Aromatherapy Shower Kit Review!

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Remember how in my last post I talked about the benefits of Essential Oils,  and how I love the role they play in the everyday health of beauty and natural living. Well, I was given the chance to review the Essio Shower Aromatherapy Shower Kit Diffuser!


I was totally stoked since just the thought of taking a shower with essential oils dripping down infusing the air with scents of relaxation, was all you had to do to get me hooked.  I was sent the starter kit which comes with the shower Esso Shower Attachment and three pods full of essential oils that would last 3-5 showers each with heavenly scents. You might be thinking just three to five showers a piece, well I don’t plan on using it for every shower.  I just use them on those days when I really need to wind down and rest pretty quickly. 😉


Essio Shower Kit

The three pods inside the starter include:

 Breathe A refreshing aromatic blend of peppermint and eucalyptus which will help to clear sinuses and decrease congestion. While at the same creating a relaxing element for your senses and body

Passion Gives a Mysterious, exciting complex synergistic mix of orange, lavender, and patchouli. Which creates a sensual aroma.

Unwind – This delightful, restorative blend combo gives an air of citrus and spicy floral tones for an atmosphere of lightness and will promote instant relief.


Essio Shower kit Diffuser


The only thing I pretty much had to do was open the box, attach it to the shower rod above the showerhead, activate the pod by turning it counterclockwise, and turn on the shower. It was super simple and took less than five minutes to attach and use.


Just so you know, the Essio Shower Aromatherapy kit is free from synthetic additives, fragrances, colors, or preservatives. The essential oils all come from natural plant-based extracts.


It did not leave my shower too oily at all if you’re concerned about that I would recommend a shower mat.


I really left my shower all though it was quick during the day, feeling refreshed and uplifted. More so relaxed!


Will I buy this product again,  Yes, I will 😉 I want to explore their other oils and how well they work.


I really think the Essio Shower is something really cool and it really did bring the spa to my home!


A tip though with the UN-used pods, you can place them on your dresser and it will fill up the whole room with great scents.









I really enjoyed the Esso Shower Aromatherapy Starter kit! If you would like to have a chance to get one of your own you can click here to visit the site and you can also Enter for a Chance to Win One of Your Own.

They are giving away two free starter kits!

P.S.  Have you ever used the Essio Shower Kit?




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