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A Bed And Breakfast: We had a Beautiful Stay!

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So this month is Family Reunion month so, this past weekend my husband and I took the kids to Folkston, Georgia to a family gathering my grandmother’s family organized.  It was a one night overnight stay where I got to see many of my cousins and let my children meet some of their family members.  My Dad’s moms family is from Georgia and I was not born there so ever since I was little my mom would take us up there each year so that we would get to know our family members.  I am so grateful that she did that, because I know too many people who parents either got divorced when they were younger and never got to continue to see both parts of their family.

Which is why to this day, I love to teach my kids about where both sides of their parents came from.  The only thing now is that now that I’m older I am taking my kids along with me this time and a husband.

So with that comes #hastaglittlekidproblems.

Where little kids fight , cry and  having four boys  that need their own space does not help either.  So I just chose not to stay at some one homes and but rather book a room at the Inn at Folkston. 




The Bed and Breakfast at the Inn of Folkston is a beautiful old world 19th century home, that has – I think about 7 bedrooms. Each room is decorated with its own train theme. The owner of the home is an retired couple who’s husband is a second generation retired railroad conductor.  Soon as we got there we felt like we were right at home, I was little nervous at first because I have never stayed at a Bed and Breakfast Before. I’m pretty use to the huge luxury resorts suites that we tend to go too.

The Inn at Folkston helped to ease all those fears, my children loved the place.  The room was so huge and spacious at that. We had two full queen beds in our family room  which were so comfortable and clean! Along with a pull out bed and a large private bathroom. I thought that was pretty cool.

Maybe, that’s just me because I thought we were going to have to share a bathroom or something.  Lol! 😉

Since we were only staying for one night, and leaving the next day.  The couple and their granddaughter served us breakfast the next morning and I felt like I was taken back in time to 19th century way of living.

Just a beautiful place and we had a great stay.

I know for sure now that when we do go back up there to visit family we will return back to the bed and Breakfast inn in  Folkson, heck I might even stay at more across the country.

Since we do tend to travel when we can.  ðŸ˜‰


How about you, have you ever stayed at a Bed and Breakfast Before?



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