Home | Foodie | Ziggie’s Pizza: Best Pizza in the Heart of Orlando, FL

Ziggie’s Pizza: Best Pizza in the Heart of Orlando, FL

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Come with my husband and me as we visit another growing pizza foodie spot in Orlando, FL.

Nestled in the vibrant and eclectic culinary landscape of Orlando, Zigge’s Pizza stands out as a true gem, capturing the essence of traditional Italian flavors while adding its unique twist. This Best Pizza in Orlando, FL is an unassuming pizza spot that has garnered a devoted following among locals and tourists alike, earning a reputation as the best pizza joint in the city.

Join us on a delectable journey through the flavors, history, and charm that make Ziggie’s Pizza a must-visit destination for pizza enthusiasts.

best pizza in Orlando, Fl



Ziggie’s Pizza was born from the passion and culinary expertise of its Founders brother-duo Christian and Floyd Ziegler. With a vision to create a space where people could indulge in authentic, high-quality pizza, Ziggie opened the doors to his pizzeria in the heart of Orlando. Drawing inspiration from their deep love for the art of pizza-making, Ziggie’s Pizza quickly became a local sensation.


What sets Ziggie’s Pizza apart from the myriad of pizza places in Orlando is its commitment to using the finest, freshest ingredients. Each pizza is a canvas of flavors, artfully crafted to delight the taste buds. From the classic Margherita to their adventurous hot honey pizza and build your pizzas Ziggie’s diverse menu caters to all palates.

The dough, a crucial component of any good pizza, is made in-house daily, achieving the perfect balance of chewiness and crispiness. Zigge’s thin-crust pizza and savory depth elevate each slice to culinary perfection.  Ensuring a freshness that resonates with the Orlando community.


Zigge’s Pizza not only satisfies the appetite but also offers a slice of local history. The walls of the pizzeria are adorned with photographs and this small ivanhoe artistic district places it on the map. The nostalgic ambiance and friendly staff contribute to a welcoming atmosphere, making Ziggie’s Pizza a place where both locals and visitors feel a sense of belonging.

The Perfect Pairing: Craft Beer and Pizza:

No pizza experience is complete without the perfect beverage, Ziggie’s Pizza is connected right next door to The Thirsty Topher, and has curated an impressive selection of craft beers and wine to complement its diverse menu. The knowledgeable staff can recommend pairings that enhance the flavors of both the pizza and the beer, elevating the dining experience to new heights.


Check hubby and me out here below!!!!



@justelizabethashe Best place in downtown Orlando, Fl for pizza wine & Beer. #bestpizza


Ziggie’s Pizza: A Culinary Destination for Tourists:

Zigge’s delectable pizzas have spread beyond the local community, attracting pizza enthusiasts from around the city. Ziggies’s commitment to quality and consistency ensures that every visitor leaves with a satisfied palate and a newfound appreciation for Orlando’s culinary scene.


In the bustling city of Orlando, Ziggie’s Pizza stands as a testament to the power of passion, quality ingredients, and community engagement. From its humble beginnings to becoming the best pizza spot in town, Ziggie’s Pizza continues to capture the hearts and taste buds of locals and tourists alike. So, whether you’re a pizza aficionado or just someone looking for a delicious meal in Orlando, Ziggie’s Pizza is a culinary haven waiting to be explored.



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