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How To Buy Natural Beauty Products!

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how to buy natural beauty


With a boom in the recent years with a push towards healthy living and eating, there is an increase in people wanting to buy natural beauty products. Many want to have natural beauty products that are not bad on their skin and hope to heal certain aliments that might be bothering them. I know for fact that I have always tried to buy natural, mainly because I have had skin issues since I was a child.

Even to this day I still tend to have some, however now I am learning I might actually have a food allergy which could be contributing some of my own issues.



However for the rest of us, it  shouldn’t take a degree in chemical engineering to be able to read a skin cleanser label. But with multi-syllable words and mystery chemicals, you don’t really know what you are putting on your face and body when you use popular, commercial products. By choosing certified organic skin care products and handmade natural bath and body products, you can be confident in their origin, purpose and function.


At least that is what I have experienced in my natural beauty shopping. You still need to read the ingredients however and don’t get fooled just because it says organic or natural ingredients.  Each person is unique and reacts differently to different formulas.  Especially when it comes to hair care,  no one person hair on their head is the same as the next persons.  In my household we have many different shampoos and conditioners because their are so many different variances in our kinky curly hair texture in my household.

If your a kinky hair girl, I’m sure you could relate.  😉


And, yet your delicate skin is the first line of defense against sun, pollution, wind, stress and germs. As the largest organ in your body, contributing 15% to 20% of your total body weight, it is easy to neglect your skin because it is so easy to take for granted. But your skin has many important jobs to do and it needs the proper nutrition and care to perform at its highest level.

Nutrition and care for skin comes from both the inside and the outside.


In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, sufficient sleep and plenty of water, your skin requires a daily regime that helps it regenerate and combat both internal and external factors. Natural organic skin care products can nourish your skin rather than stripping it of essential oils and introducing irritations such as fragrances, preservatives, harsh detergents and unnecessary chemicals.


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Botanical’s and purely organic ingredients perform the same functions as commercial detergents but with a simpler, gentler process.



Organic skin care uses natural, certified ingredients to work together in synergy to accomplish the same goals as commercial products without the harsh effects. But like I said earlier some of the smaller companies are not able to pay the fee to get certified organic on their labels, but many are just as good.  That is why it is good to do your research and stick to what I call the simple rule. Of making sure you understand the ingredients list and that it is down to very minimal ingredients.


Simple is always best, trust me a little can go a long way.


Organic natural handmade soap and cleansers gently remove make up, dirt, oils and pollution without stripping your skin. Natural fats and oils found in our body butters and organic lotions moisturize tone and protect the skin from sun, aging, wind and pollution. Organic face creams and body lotions serve a protective layer especially in sensitive areas such as the face and neck. Anti-aging antioxidants are naturally introduced.

And there is a limited  fear of sensitivity issues since organic ingredients are simple and pure. 😉


Your skin can not differentiate between good and bad chemicals. It indiscriminately absorbs whatever chemicals you slather on your face and body. By choosing Eco-friendly, natural organic body care products, you know that your skin is absorbing products rooted in nature and simply prepared by hand, with in the highest quality with the least chemical processes. And most of the time you can also be assured that no product will introduce a rash, irritation or allergic reaction because its ingredients are pure and natural.


And that is best thing we can do for our selves.



Read the first ingredient on the side of the container. By law, the list of ingredients must be listed in their order of concentrate. ( MEANING THE FIRST  ONE LISTED IS WHAT THE PRODUCT IS MOSTLY MADE UP OF.) This applies to food labels also. 😉


If you don’t recognize the names in the ingredients, do you really want to put it on your face?


Your skin can not differentiate between good and bad skin care products, but you can. Choose a holistic approach by utilizing organic body care and all natural skin care products for the purest and simplest choice.




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  1. Avatar photo June 27, 2014 / 4:58 pm

    Yes, that is so true! Balance is always good!

  2. Jack
    August 12, 2014 / 3:42 pm

    I suffer from mild acne on my face, so I know how important it is to check labels! There’s so many nasty chemicals in some of these products! I tend to just use purely natural products and superfoods now. But i’ll definitely have a look into healthy shop-bought products after reading this.

    Thanks :).

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