Home | Product Vault Reviews | Drop It Or Rock It! Shea Moisture Thickening and Anti-Breakage Line for Thin Hair

Drop It Or Rock It! Shea Moisture Thickening and Anti-Breakage Line for Thin Hair

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Yesterday I had the chance to review the Shea Moisture Thickening and Anti-Breakage line for thin hair. This line features the Shea Moisture Organic Yucca and Baobab shampoo, the Shea Moisture organic Yucca & baobab anti-breakage masque along with the Shea Moisture Yucca conditioner which is the leave-in.

I have to admit I am one of the few who have not tried all the Shea moisture products line in their entirety together. So when I  was browsing Walgreens one day and saw I could get a boatload for cheap. I jumped all over it, hey what can I say I like to spend money.

So yesterday, when I had some time on my hands, I decided I was going to wash my hair with all three to see if they lived up to what it says it does.

The first thing that I like to do before any shampoo is pre-poo my hair at least overnight with Afro-Veda hair oils so that my hair can have a nice sheen and a nice Ayurvedic hot oil treatment to boot. I have been doing this for quite some time now. However, I did not have any time yesterday to do an overnight hot oil treatment. I just lightly oiled my hair and scalp with Afroveda New Methika oil to treat dandruff and stuff…..

The next step I did was to detangle and place my hair into about 8-12 twists so that I could easily wash and unravel my hair in the shower.

I then proceeded to use the Shea Moisture organic yucca and baobab shampoo in the shower. When I wash my hair I like to put them in twists. Then take each twist out separately one at a time and wash them each separately. I have tried washing my hair in the twists a couple of times, but I don’t like it. My hair does not feel as clean and I am not able to use the smoothing technique by rubbing my hands down my hair to help smooth the cuticle.

When you have kinky hair like mine you want to smooth the cuticle in as many ways as possible…….

The shampoo lathered up well, it has a great slip which made it easy to clean and wash my hair fast.  Anything with great slip is awesome for my type 4 kinky hair. It smelled divine and smooth to the touch. My hair felt soft and not stripped at all. One thing I can say is although my hair felt soft and smooth after the shampoo, it did not feel very clarified.

This is a great shampoo if you are looking for something to cleanse your hair without stripping it but at the same time giving it moisture. It does not give a clarified clean feeling. So be sure to rotate this shampoo with a clarifier.

Would I buy the shampoo again?


Some of the ingredients in the Shea moisture yucca shampoo include:

  • Yucca Soap
  • Shea oil
  • Baobab Extract
  • Coconut Oi
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Honeysuckle Extract
  • Vegetable protein
  • Aloe Vera Juice

So as you can see there is some good stuff in there.

My next step was to use the Shea moisture organic yucca & baobab anti-breakage masque. Now when I applied this to my hair, I immediately did not like the way it felt. It has a creamy rough touch to it,  if that makes any sense. White in color, very thick with a mild scent. Not much to bother anyone at all. I am used to some great conditioners on my hair and this one was not cutting it already just by touch.

So I said hey let me give it a whirl and wait until I rinse it out in the shower to give my final verdict.

But in the meantime, some of the ingredients inside the anti-breakage masque include:

  • Water
  • Shea Butter
  • Coconut Oil
  • Mango Butter
  • Avocado Oil
  • Olive oil
  • Aloe Vera Juice
  • Baobab extract
  • Vegetable Protein
  • Rosemary Extract
  •  Vitamin E
  • Essential Oil Blend
  • Much more……

I would expect with all those great ingredients my hair would love it. However, I am coming to realize that deep conditioners with a Shea butter base as the main ingredient don’t work that well for deep conditioning my hair but acts more a sealant preventing the other great ingredients from penetrating my hair shaft.

Would I purchase it again probably not? Was it okay, yeah? It made my hair slightly soft after the fact because while I was rinsing it out my hair felt petty though. So I guess my hair felt stronger. However, I will use the product again, since I did buy it and do not want to waste my money……..

The last thing on my list was to use the Shea Moisture yucca & Aloe thickening growth milk with biotin and Bamboo extract. This particular leave-in is supposed to help with thin and fine hair by thickening and volumizing the hair shaft

I have been going through a period of breakage, which is the reason I am giving the line a try.

I decided to mix some aloe Vera juice about two tablespoons to about 6 tablespoons of the growth milk together. To make sure when I applied it to my hair my cuticles would lie more flat. I like to mix aloe Vera juice to my leave ins because although many come with it already added to their products. Its is a very small amount and not enough to close the cuticle. I use different oils all the time with my mixtures too. This time I added one tablespoon of Avocado Oil to the mixture.


In the end, I test with my pH strips to make sure it is the right ph before applying it to my hair.


Some of the ingredients listed for the growth milk include:

  • Water
  • Shea butter
  • Coconut Oil
  • Mango Seed Butter
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Vegetable Glycerin
  • Aloe Leaf Extract
  • Biotin
  • Yucca Extract
  • Bamboo Extract
  • Rosemary EXTRACT
  • Vitamin E
  • Much More……..

Shea moisture growth milk was okay, not bad not great. I have had better. It is a lightweight conditioner not heavy in consistency at all. Since it was so watery when applying it to my hair it took a second for my hair to absorb it.  I’m still on the fence about this one, because my hair was soft, not as soft as I like it or have experienced with other leave-ins.

Yet my hair was shiny after the twist out.

Will I buy this product again, I probably will. It  is a lightweight and did get the job done. I will keep it to use as a refresher conditioner on those days I need a pick me up.

It will work great for that!

My final verdict is that I will re-use the shampoo, but mainly in the hot warmer months.  The anti-breakage masque is a pass for me maybe you will like it, it does have great ingredients inside of it. Which I’m sure will work great for someone else. The Growth milk, I’m going to keep using to see how it works out as a refresher.

Have you used the Shea moisture anti-breakage line for thin and fine hair.

I would love to know.







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  1. July 29, 2014 / 12:58 pm

    Thanks for this review: I bought the Shea moisture organic yucca & baobab anti-breakage masque. Shea Moisture yucca & Aloe thickening growth milk with biotin and Bamboo extract 2 months ago. There really nothing so special about the hair masque. Got the same reaction as you. My hair and that of my daughter did not really notice that whaooo effect. We didn’t get that soft hand feeling, that silkiness as expected. but notice that it does strengthen our hair. Maybe as the name suggest anti breakage.. hair should not be that soft. But I do get more defined curls with this masque.
    As for the thickening milk it’s take longer time for it to get absorb into our hair and as i said early not really OMG effect on this product, judging from ingredients expected more. I will keep using it…will update. Thanks once more for this info.

    • Avatar photo July 29, 2014 / 1:57 pm

      Yes , I so agree. I use it now only as a styler it works very well that way! Thank you for commenting.

  2. michelle
    September 23, 2014 / 3:21 am

    did the growth milk work out as a refresher? I’m looking for something to do the same & re-add moisture to my hair between washes

    • sheryl
      October 2, 2014 / 10:02 am

      Hi Michelle,
      I have never use it as refresher nor to re-add moisture between wash days. I only use it as hair lotion in combination with my leave in conditioner before styling and that’s on my wash days. What works best for me is not oils, lotions etc. Water is my moisture, my spray bottle contain 60:40 ratio water:aloe vera juice with peppermint oil. Light spritz every morning but not soaking wet to spoil hairstyle just enough to penetrative strands n seal with hair butter and/or oil of you choice. I use my homemade shea mixture, great for my TWA. Did my BC 4 months ago. My hair turns to get dry very fast

  3. Right Stef
    November 2, 2014 / 4:59 pm

    I always had long hair and keep it, but it is very difficult to grow without breakage. I have tried every shampoo to help stop the breakage when I grow my hair out, and I have to recommend the Shielo Hydrate Shampoo and Conditioner to you – because its the only shampoo where I see a difference after one use. It smells very clean, not overly fruit or perfumed, which gives you a nice, natural feeling. I has great frizz control and I do not have the same hair breakage I used to have. The bets part is, a bottle lasts me like 2 months, cause you only need a little bit of the product, and it soaps up your entire hair! The Shielo Shampoo is similar to Fekaii (but better priced), but definitely better than a Suave or Herbal Essences. Suave makes my hair break alot!

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